Human Interest News

How to Give the Gift of Encouragement

Calhoun residents, Jeff and Maria Smith, spent a recent weekend at Boston’s Antique Engine Show in Pennsboro, West Virginia. As Jeff described it, a pretty cool thing happened with his children Zac and Gabi who also attended the show.

Jeff said that his son Zac loves to give rides to little kids on their tractor which they built a few years ago. After giving a ride, he backed the tractor in and parked it beside their engine trailer. Two older men, known only as Mr. Dennis and Mr. Bragg, came up and started having a conversation with Zac, who loves to talk. The more technical the better for Zac as he explained things in great detail!

Jeff could tell that as Zac and the older man conversed, Zac was explaining the tractor and how they’d built it. One of the gentlemen waved for Jeff and his daughter Gabi to join the conversation. He said that Zac had told them how he, Gabi, and Jeff had built the tractor. He asked what kind of work the children had done and Jeff began explaining how he had the kids doing a little of everything on it; cutting, grinding, welding, etc.

The older gentlemen were pretty impressed with the details, and told Jeff that the two of them had been watching throughout the day, explaining that they had both been in the mechanical business most all their lives, but were now retired. They now work in their shops as hobbies and both are antique car collectors. Mr. Dennis also owned engines like that of the Smith family. They had decided to come to the show and look for some young kids that showed interest, and “give back!” Zac and Gabi were the recipients of their kindness.

The two men had gathered extra tool boxes, spare and duplicate tools from both their shops, and wanted to give a couple kids a good start on a tool box. They asked Jeff permission to give the tools to his children (which he agreed to) and then together they walked to their truck. They let Zac and Gabi pick their tool boxes of choice and then had them take turns picking tools from the large collection they’d gathered.

This “really cool” story is a testament to good hearted people and the importance of families working together. Good job Smith family! And thank you to Mr. Dennis and Mr. Bragg, who encourages us all to looking for an opportunity to give back.
