Year: 2024
Gov. Justice announces date for next Special Session of West Virginia Legislature
9/9/2024 CHARLESTON, WV — Gov. Jim Justice announced today that he will call for the West Virginia Legislature to convene in Special Session on Monday, September 30. He delivered a video message highlighting his goals for the second Special Session of the year. Click here to watch Special Session announcement While final details for the call Read More…
Calhoun County Middle School Football Kick Off
Submitted by Kevin Cunningham On Thursday September 5th Calhoun County Middle School Football team kicked off their season as they travelled to Robert C Byrd High School to play against the South Harrison Hawks. The Red Devils came up short on the score board by a score of 26-6, however the game a closer than Read More…
RULES: 1. Exhibitors are limited to ONE (1) entry per class 2. Judging will be done by the usual standards of subject matter, composition and photographic excellence. Composition and exposure must be the work of the exhibitor, however the developing and finishing may be done by anyone 3. Photos must be 5”x7” inches or larger and MATTED. 4. If Photo or mat does not meet requirements, the Read More…
QUILTS RULES: 1. Quilts must be clean; spots will disqualify them from judging (Except for the Antique Quilts) 2. Quilts must have been completed in the last five (5) years. 3. If the quilt has previously been entered in the Molasses Festival, it will be used for display only and WILL NOT BE JUDGED 4. To be judged, the quilt must fit in Read More…
WV Molasses Festival Rules- Department 2
CANNED GOODS Special Rules 1. Please exhibit in quart or pint jars only. 2. No enhancements are to be added to the jar or lid. 3. Home canned foods must have been prepared within one year prior to the judging date. 4. Fair officials/judges reserve the right to dispose of any spoiled canned goods. 5. Previously entered goods will not be Read More…
RULES: 1. All products shown in this department MUST BE 2024 GROWN, unless otherwise specified, and must have been grown by the exhibitor on his/her farm or garden. 2. Exhibits that do not conform to rules WILL BE DISQUALIFIED. 3. Articles improperly classified will not be judged. 4. Fair officials will take every precaution for the safekeeping of exhibits Read More…
2024 West Virginia Molasses Festival General Exhibit Rules
1. Exhibitors must bring their exhibits to the West Fork Park in Arnoldsburg, WV. All exhibits will be accepted on Tuesday from 11am to 7pm. 2. Judging will be done on the days of entry and will be closed to the public. All judging will be finalized by 10am Wednesday morning. 3. All exhibits must remain on display until 3:00 pm on Saturday. Quilts MUST be picked up by 2:00 pm onSunday. 4. Articles Read More…
WV Secretary of State Mac Warner to testify before Congress on Wednesday, Sept. 11
Congressional Hearing to Focus on Voter Confidence and Election Security for Upcoming November 5th General Election: Charleston, W.Va. – WV Secretary of State Mac Warner has been invited once again to the Nation’s Capitol to address members of Congress on election security and voter confidence in American elections. Secretary Warner has been invited to testify before the Committee Read More…