Guest Writers News

Creston News: Inflation, Government Controls and a “new” way to Administer the Jab

Local residents are adjusting to the government mandated time back to Eastern Standard Time.  Originally fast time was instituted as “War Time” so workers could work longer hours in dimly lit factories making stuff for World War II.  Those who have been out & about note that there are a few places with brightly colored oak leaves.

Some Creston and Wirt residents attended the [Sen. Donna] Boley breakfast where the speaker was Nate Cain who is running for Congress in the Second District. Wirt County is now in the First District.  Older residents remember when W. Va. had 6 congressional districts — one might say that is what 80+ years of one party/kleptocracy rule leads to. Cain noted that the other fellow running for the position was a VP for the Podesta Brothers lobbying venture down in the lower Potomac swamp where the Podestas held high government positions and lobbied for foreign nations to the detriment of American citizens.  Likely this would be an accurate description of a member of the “deep state”.

Alexa was attending to business in Creston.

The food inflation is something that impacts almost everyone.  Because of government policies the most basic food items have taken huge price increases, often in the 25% range.  Some folks like to drink hot cocoa which is an excellent winter time drink generally associated with winter sports, etc.  Because of bad harvests cocoa is now $4,000/ton, a 45 year high. Now a cup of hot cocoa with marshmallows will be a “luxury item”.

Creston & Annamoriah residents attended the 104th annual W. Va. Farm Bureau meeting down at the Mouth of the Elk. President Charles Wilfong gave a summary of issues facing farmers and citizens of the state & nation. Bill Gates, whose pappy was a big wheel in Planned Parenthood, wants to eliminate 7.5 billion of the 8 billion residents on the planet and likely we all know where we stand.  He noted the Iranian operatives placed high in the U.S. government and the problem with “sophisticated elites” backing the Hamas terrorists.  He suggested Pro Hamas students spend some time working in Lybia, Syria or some such place or have them cut the grass around the tombstones in Arlington cemetery for a few months to get a real perspective on life. Wilfong noted that the fake meat folks are not doing well although governments in Europe are insisting that thousands of cattle be killed to “prevent global warming”.  He also noted that one should be very, very careful before signing some contract about carbon sequestration for trees on your land.  Likely one would do well to wait and learn what the price & terms should be and then deal with those to whom the present contracts will be sold.  John Pitsenbarger is the new Farm Bureau VP.

Wilfong also noted that the timber market has soured, reflecting the national economy, and that most mills now operating would be shutting down. The only market seems to be white oak that is being used for whiskey barrels.

The Wirt road crew has been mowing the berms along W. Va. 5.

The comely Kim was visiting Wilma Mowrey.

It was learned that the US Supreme Court will not take up the case where Antero objected to the value of $1.5 billion for their wells in Ritchie & Doddridge counties. It was noted that another company is now taking 30% off the gross sales volumes for “line loss”.  Still the elites down at the Mouth of the Elk refuse to allow sales meters to be checked for accurate measurement.  Who do these folks represent? Perhaps people in Denver, New York, Birmingham, Houston, Oslo & Dallas.

Vaccine troubles and deaths continue and the discovery of DNA in the vaccines is, to say the least, very scary.  Now since most won’t take the jab the new plan is the mix the flu shot with the covid [Dr. Fauci’s Wuhan Kung Flu] “vaccine”.  The “public health” folks now have zero credibility.

There were 59 new permits in W. Va. for Marcellus & Utica wells and the amount of LNG [liquified natural gas] exported to foreign nations continues to increase.  Now Canada & Mexico are building LNG export facilities as well.  Natural gas prices continue to “be all over the place”.  The EIA [Energy Information Agency] says that the Henry Hub price will average $3.40 this winter although presently it is $3.03.  Locally gas on TCO (Columbia) is $1.547 while on DTI (Mother Hope)it is $1.417/MMBTU.  Those prices do not reflect the transportation charges.  September gas from Calhoun County  sold on DTI is worth 61.04 cents/MMBTU.

There will be a mineral rights meeting December 2 at 3 P. M. in the Senior Citizens Center which is said to be the old Tyler County High School Auditorium in Middlebourne.  More details should follow.

Several folks have been trying to harvest a local fine looking buck like the one folks see up at Booger Hole. Where one sees the big buck folks also not extensive Coyote scat.  Coyote hides make fine garments that do not contain petrochemicals [plastics].  A definite win win for those who want to ban “fossil fuels” & still keep warm.

The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude is $76.17/bbl. with condensate fetching just $58.17/bbl. with Marcellus & Utica light bringing $67.17 & medium $76.17/bbl.

Folks need to remember that it is not long until January when one can run for county offices, legislative seats and state wide offices. Who would be a good sheriff, who would be an effective county commissioner, a hard working magistrate or assessor?  If not you, then who?


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