Guest Writers News

Creston News Week of September 8, 2024

Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church. There were six deer in the church yard when the first parishioners arrived.

Aaron & Mary Beth Marks are parents of a new baby boy, Curtis Lee who weighed  6 lb. 13 oz. & was 18 1/2″ long.  Presently the new arrival is in NICU.  He has an older brother Thomas.

Kim Mowrey came down with appendix problems.

Last week it was reported that Sherm Parsons from Spencer had a grandson who was a huge Trump fan.  Actually it was Eugene Parsons who is Sherm’s [the Roane County one] brother.  Both Parsons brothers worked for the State Road.

The Wirt road crew mowed the byways around Creston making things look good.

Although the drought continues Creston had a nice rain Friday night.  Pasture fields are done for this year so it is feeding hay from now until spring.  Fall like weather has arrived with cool nights which are great for sleeping.

Some local folks spent time up in Ohio Amish Country and others plan to go there this week.  Some of the corn there showed signs of extreme stress but the good rain had a positive impact.  Most crops looked good and likely third cutting alfalfa was being baled.  Because of the DNR’s venison herd it is now impossible to raise alfalfa locally.

Lots of folks have been riding four wheelers & side by sides locally [and elsewhere].

Jay Bee Oil & Gas (the late Randy Broida’s company) had a big well fire on a location in Tyler County.  The firm also announced the $42.5 million settlement of the Class Action suit over taking deductions from royalty payments that  were to be free & clear.

Enron, now called EOG [Enron Oil & Gas] announced that they intend to ramp up their drilling program in the oil window of the Utica shale in Ohio.  Under their former name Belco the firm was involved in the Bruce Bell well at Sanoma that resulted in the famous Red Adair coming to put out the well fire.

The Appalachian Hydrogen & Carbon Capture Conference VI will be held November 7, 2024 at the Hilton Garden Inn Pittsburgh/Southpoint.  Contact the hotel for details.

Back in 1989 the United Nations reported that by the year 2000 several nations would be wiped off the map because of rising sea levels caused by global warming.

The W. Va. Legislature is holding Interim Committee meetings in Parkersburg Sunday through Tuesday.

Creston’s fall ATV Poker Run is scheduled for September 28.  It should be a fun ride.

The Ohio NARO meeting will be September 25 & 26 in Cambridge Ohio.  For details call 1-800-558-0557.  This is a oil & gas royalty owners group.

There has been lots of talk about the impact of shutting down coal & natural gas fired power plants on the availability of electricity for domestic & commercial use such as lighting homes, providing power for refrigerators, freezers, water pumps [for rural folks], traffic control devices, street lamps, lighting for stores, etc.  At the same time Kackles and others are pushing for banning internal combustion  engines and forcing folks to buy electric cars [EVs].  All this puts stress on the electric grid that has been forced to shut down power generation while facing significant increases in power demand.   One of the new big energy demands is data centers for AI (artificial intelligence).  Dominion has advised those [proposed] facilities that there will be a seven year wait for electric hookup.

Kackles told some folks that she cooked so many collards that she had to wash them in the bath tub.  She noted that she flavored them with bacon, after pouring off the grease, and adding hot peppers.  One wonders when Hindus started cooking with pork.  While cultural appropriation is now said to be bad [can’t dress up a boy with a sombrero as a Mexican bandito for Halloween] one local fellow does know how to cook collards and one does not throw out the bacon grease – that and hot peppers add to the dish.  Puts one to the mind when John Kerry [Jon Carry] tried to go duck hunting to show he was just an ordinary fellow – not the effete snob who had no idea how to eat ribs.

Barabara Cooper underwent back surgery in Columbus & is taking therapy at Minnie Hamilton in Grantsville.  Her brother went to visit her and discovered she was in a different room and the patient in the room he had entered had Dr. Fauci’s wonderful virus.  Apparently it is now illegal to warm folks about patients that have catchy diseases.

The Second Amendment, that is the right to keep & bear arms has been under attack for years now but there is increased push to ban the first amendment concerning free speech & the right to assemble.  During COVID religious services were banned and now politicians are open about banning free speech.  At the direction of the US State Department, the communist government of Brazil banned X, formerly called Twitter and US politicians say that Elon Musk should be thrown in prison for allowing opinions that the deep state wants banned.  The government of Europe (EU) was furious that Musk interviewed Donald Trump on X and folks world wide could hear what was said.  Remember when Galileo said that the earth rotated around the sun & the powers that be intended to have him burned on a stake.

As a result of a likely recession in America and world economic conditions the price of local Pennsylvania grade crude fell to $66.67/bbl. With condensate fetching just $48.67/bbl. & Marcellus & Utica light bringing $55.67/bbl.  It was noted that Brent [North Sea] crude had dropped to under $75 – actually $73.07.  The Henry Hub natural gas price was $2.28/MMBTU. But natural gas from Calhoun County & Creston sold for $1.16.  Some of that was 18% ethane.


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