Regular winter weather continues in the Creston area with more snow and projected zero weather for next week. Sunday brought several inches of new snow resulting in, among other things, large numbers of birds at bird feeders. Church services were cancelled and travelers were few & far between. The “global warming” crew are having problems with weather returning to what was normal winter weather with snow and cold. Their “junk Science” proved to be just as fake as the “alarmists” who travel around in their private jets and yachts.
Along those lines there are now said to be only 200 coal fired plants left in the USA with 170 of those “scheduled” to be closed to “stop global warming”. Worldwide there are 2400 of which 1142 are in China and 282 in India. Both China & India are building more coal plants to run & fuel their economies.
With the deep snow some have had problems getting their mail. The local carrier noted that postal patrons should shovel out the snow so that that the mailbox can safely be approached. On the Richardsonville road there is a mailbox that now has an angle after an unfortunate incident with the carrier. It was also noted that as part of routine snow and ice protocols (SRIC) after the snow has been plowed from the main roads & side roads as set forth in the SRIC plan one then takes a snow plow, either with a road grader or a truck, and then set back the snow that has been plowed off the road. This makes space for the next snow and also cuts down on melt running out on the road causing icy patches.
PBS (Public Broadcasting System) a federally funded media outfit had a discussion recently suggesting that oil & gas executives should be sent to prison for their participation in the so called “global warming. Perhaps Elon & Vivek will take note and make them part of the $2 trillion spending cut.
Kathryn Maze, age 86, passed away. She was the daughter of Orval & Lula Hughes and the widow of Gerald D. Maze.
Betty Wagoner, age 87. Of Brooksville passed away. Her daughters ae Brenda Roberts & Regina Hupp, both of Creston. Burial was in the Wagoner graveyard on Yellow Creek.
Patricia Nida, age 75, of Creston passed away after a prolonged fight with breast cancer. The daughter of Oris & Sylvia Meadows, she was the widow of Navy veteran & builder H. Wayne Nida. She has two daughters, Peggy (Sis) and Angela. Service will be Saturday, January 25 with burial at the Snyder/McCray cemetery. There will be a meal served at the Creston Community Building after the service.
Debbie Griffin is home after a sojourn at the Cleveland Clinic. She has been having a rough time.
Kevin “Weasel” Wease remains a hospital patient and said not to be doing well.
There is talk of some data centers in Pennsylvania near sources of Marcellus & Utica fired power plants. There was to be talk about one in Wirt County but inclement weather has held up the talks. Such might involve a data center & an associated gas powered power plant fueled with Wirt County natural gas.
Bob Bush noted that he was interested in the possibilities of the Utica shale that underlies the area and that is 1100 feet thick. He also noted that several generations of his family have made their living in the oil patch.
EQT announced that MVP (Mountain Valley Pipeline) is now up to capacity transporting 2bcf/day of natural gas. The TransCanada/Columbia Gas line that goes between Creston & Burning Springs sends 2bcf/day [billion cubic feet] to the Gulf of Mexico for export as LNG.
It was announced that the present US use of natural gas is 120 bcf/day will soon go up to 150 bcf/day and that the price will go back up to $5. The ruling junta wanted to ban gas water heaters. Certainly there are places for those folks in perhaps Lower Slobbovia.
A recent study in Japan revealed that those who had the messenger rna “vaccines” have up to a 4900% increase in heart failure. Locally “medical” facilities have been promoting taking more of the vaccines. We pay for such so some can collect their royalties. Mr. Kennedy cannot get in quick enough.
Mr. & Mrs. Ricky Tucker were attending to business in Elizabeth.
Drillers in Pennsylvania & Ohio have now successfully drilled horizontal wells with U turns in both the Marcellus & the Utica.
The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude oil is $76.88/bbl. With condensate fetching $58.88/bbl. While Marcellus & Utica light was $65.88/bbl. Because of winter road conditions not much oil was shipped locally so far this month. Because of cold weather the NYMEX price of natural gas jumped to $4.258/MMBTU although this price never makes it to local folks — you know, we are all equal but some are “more equal”.

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