The Town of Grantsville held their March 2025 meeting at the City Office at 4 p.m.
With somewhat low attendance, and very little notification there were no community concerns.
Under the Mayor’s communication:
- Mayor Robert Petrovsky discussed WVRCAP (West Virginia Rurual Community Assistance Program) receipt of their fire hydrant inspections.
- CORRECTION: Mayor Petrovsky informed the council that
he had received a call from The 1982 foundationViking group contacted him to pull their permit effective Wednesday and that if another group shows up after that they will require a permit - Donna Schoolcraft expressed interest to the Mayor in utilizing the FEMA lots in town for community gardening.
- There continues to be a trash issue on River Street that the Mayor informed staff Jesse Davis that a call or visit should be made.
- In a recent sewer issue the sewer department work crew may have lost their $2,100 Warthog Jetter Head that they are continuing to attempt to retrieve.
- In reference to the recent water violations the Mayor stated that much of it was from quite some time ago and that current operator Chad Drennen had only had a couple of the violations during his time as operator because of a telemetry issue.
Under Committee reports Councilwoman Cheryl Sturm stated that she had spoken to the Calhoun Gilmer Career Center regarding the park sign and that they believed that it was too big of a project for them to do. She is now contacting Roane Jackson Vocational Center as well as David Gerlach for a price on the sign which will list park contributors and rules.
Under New Business, Recorder Emily Collins informed the counsel that there will be a budget meeting on March 20, 2025 at 5:00 p.m.
A special meeting for the interviews of the City Water Manager was held on Monday evening.
In the matter of financials, Recorder Collins told the counsel members that from this point forward any budget revisions of 20% or more will require explanation as to why the funding is necessary to be moved.
She also reported that the Town had been charged $300 in late fees by Mon Power due to a U.S. Post Office error in late delivery of the Town’s payment when it was returned to the City as undeliverable to the Mon Power Address.
Also with regard to utilities, Collins said that the West Virginia State Police, who are also housed in the City’s building would need to be contacted for their non-payment of their 25% of the utilities in the City Building since December 2024.
According to Mrs. Collins the WV State Auditor’s officer is “cracking down” with the expectation that there be clarity on the payment of bills. Mayor Petrovsky suggested that she send copies of the bills being paid along with receipt information.
Divers will be coming on Wednesday, March 5th to dive the river and change the intake heads at the water plant because (according to the Mayor) they were installed improperly, unless the rain prevents the dive.
Meeting was adjourned after bill payments at 4:32 p.m.