Government News

With $4.2 billion in active construction projects currently underway, WVDOT eagerly awaits bridge “report cards”

     The data released from different reports can be confusing, because each uses its own metrics. But each has its value.  The most recent infrastructure report card from the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), “Report Card for West Virginia’s Infrastructure,” lists 20 percent of the Mountain State’s bridges as structurally deficient. But that report Read More…


West Virginia Department of Human Services Opens Applications for Low Income Energy Assistance Program

The West Virginia Department of Human Services (DoHS), Bureau for Family Assistance (BFA) today announced that applications for the Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) will be accepted starting Monday, November 4, 2024, and continuing through Wednesday, November 27, 2024. This federally funded program helps eligible West Virginians cover home heating costs, aiming to alleviate financial strain Read More…

News Schools Sports

Smith Competes at Camp Kidd in Tucker County

Calhoun Cross Country athlete GABI SMITH placed 17th in the WVSSAC Class A Region 2 Championship being named 2nd team All Region, at Camp Kidd in Tucker Co on October 24, 2024. Gabi was the only high school runner to compete in this regional meet. GABI will advance to WVSSAC State Championship being held on Read More…

Government News Recreation Tourism West Virginia

Gov. Justice announce Veterans Salute Savings for veterans and active-duty military personnel

​CHARLESTON, WV — Gov. Justice and the West Virginia State Parks system announced today a special Veterans Salute Savings offer. Veterans and military members who stay at a West Virginia state park lodge throughout the month of November are eligible for a 50% discount on lodge room stays. “West Virginia has always been a state that deeply honors Read More…

Government News

Gov. Justice announces $13.9M in Transportation Alternatives and Recreational Trails Program grant awards across WV

​​​CHARLESTON, WV — Gov. Jim Justice announced 36 grant awards totaling $13.9 million through the Transportation Alternatives and Recreational Trails Program, funded by federal and local contributions. Administered by the West Virginia Division of Highways (WVDOH), this program supports towns, cities, and counties in developing and enhancing sidewalks, lighting, walking paths, rail trails, and more. Transportation Alternative grant Read More…

Community Community Events News Schools

Local Elementary School News – Pumpkins & Goblins Galore

Both Elementary Schools, Pleasant Hill and Arnoldsburg had October 31st events to celebrate the fall holidays. Pleasant Hill fourth grade students explored a pumpkin during science class to learn more about their five senses🎃 Scroll left or right on the photo to view album Arnoldsburg Elementary School celebrated the day with a Halloween Parade and Read More…

Government News

Yeager Appointed Home Confinement & Court Security Officer

The Calhoun County Commission met for an Emergency meeting on Friday, November 1st, 2024 to hire a Home Confinement and Court Security Officer. Following a motion by Roger Propst and second by Kevin Helmick the Commission entered into discussion. At that time Jean Simers, Clerk, requested to know when Mr. Zach Yeager would begin his Read More…

News Tourism West Virginia

West Virginia Experiencing Long-Lasting Fall Foliage

Perfect fall conditions continue to linger across Almost Heaven Charleston, W.Va. – As October comes to an end, astonishing fall color can be found in all nine travel regions of the Mountain State. West Virginia’s hills and valleys continue to transform with colorful hues, making this season one of the longest-lasting autumns the state has experienced Read More…


Early Voting Continues at Calhoun County Courthouse

You can choose whether to vote on Election Day or during the early voting period, whichever is easier for you. This can be especially helpful if it would be difficult or not possible for you to vote on Election Day. Early voting locations may be less crowded, as well. When can I vote early?  Where can Read More…