Art & Music Community Events News

A Return to the Follies and the Memories it Makes

Calhoun County High School Alumni & Friends Choir
(All photos were by Roger Propst, photographer)

The 1982 Foundation’s Spring Fling Follies on Saturday, April 16 2022 was a huge success from the perspective of attendance and enjoyment level by all who participated, both the choir and the audience. It was estimated that there were greater than 250 people in attendance.

Jim Sullivan, Event Producer, kept the two hour show rolling along with Choir Music of the past and solos of the present. With the short planning only one skit managed to get in from the class of 1982, who did a great job serenading Crystal Laughlin Mersh to honor her return to Calhoun County and her community contributions.

It was such an enjoyable event that there is now talk about a Community Christmas concert and the Follies once again becoming an annual event. One goal of this venture was the hopes of instilling a desire for youth in Calhoun County to become involved in the Calhoun Middle High School music programs. Those programs have suffered greatly over the years because of the block scheduling that occurred and reduction in funding.

During the program Calhoun Middle High School Music Instructor, Mr. Michael McHenry, was tasked with directing the choir at the last minute. Eilieen Metheney, former choir director from Calhoun Middle High School, had a family emergency that caused her to bow out. She had invested a great deal of time volunteering to direct the choir in preparation for the event. Mr. McHenry made a plea for the auditorium lighting fund because the lighting had to be borrowed in order to have enough for the event.

While the music program has never seemed to get the attention other extra curricular programs get, this publisher wonders why some of the ARPA funds recently received by the Calhoun BOE wasn’t used to help Mr. McHenry out in restoring the Auditorium back to the way it was designed?

Rick Poling
The Turner Family
Brenda Jones
Crystal Mersh addressing the audience
WVRC’s very own George Allen with Bruce Jones on dobro
Justin Cunningham
Jimmy Hughes
Choir being directed by Mr. Michael McHenry
Shari Johnson and Bruce Jones
Class of 1982 serenading Crystal Mersh
The Calhoun Boys

One Reply to “A Return to the Follies and the Memories it Makes

  1. … Thank you all so much for the great evening…
    Good question at the end of the article too, Why couldn’t some of those fund be used for the lighting or even hooking the outlets back up on the front of the stage… makes a curious mind say hum……..

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