

For Release: April 13, 2022Contact: Andy Malinoski, 304-553-9305, SOUTH CHARLESTON, W.VA. — West Virginia’s navigable rivers continue to produce hefty catfish, including one that recently broke the state record for weight. On April 8, Cody Carver of Dry Branch, WV, caught and released a blue catfish that broke the state record for weight while fishing from a boat in the Read More…

Guest Writers Human Interest

Creston News

Rev. Craig Blankenship brought the Easter message at the Burning Springs M. E. Church. The Elizabeth church had a sunrise service. Spring is proceeding normally in & around Creston with baby kittens, whip-poor-wills, trilliums, phlox, anemone and the invasive garlic mustard that needs to be pulled up by the roots. This invasive pest puts toxic Read More…

Community Events Hunting/Fishing News Uncategorized

Muskie Tournament Postponed Until Fall but the Event still Scored

Due to non ideal fishing conditions, there were no trophy winning muskies caught for the first Spring Fling Muskie Tournament. But that did not stop families from enjoying a day on the river banks of the Little Kanawha to attempt the catch. And just because the fish weren’t biting didn’t prevent youth from scoring great Read More…

Art & Music Community Events News

A Return to the Follies and the Memories it Makes

The 1982 Foundation’s Spring Fling Follies on Saturday, April 16 2022 was a huge success from the perspective of attendance and enjoyment level by all who participated, both the choir and the audience. It was estimated that there were greater than 250 people in attendance. Jim Sullivan, Event Producer, kept the two hour show rolling Read More…

Community Events

Easter Sunrise Service Invitation

Area churches are invited to attend a Countywide Sunrise Service at the Calhoun County Park. The service will begin at 6:45 a.m. (sunrise) and will be hosted by Victory Baptist Church. The location on the park will be Hangar shelter, first road to your right after entering the park.