Court Crimes/Punishment News

Calhoun Circuit Court Results for September 18th

Judge Anita Harold Ashley convened Calhoun Circuit Court on Wednesday, September 18th, 2024 with several juvenile and criminal cases on the docket. 

In the case of the State of West Virginia vs. Jamie D. Bailey a motion for continuance was made by the defense due to there still being outstanding discovery on the side of the State. A Pretrial has been scheduled for October 2nd, 2024 with a trial date of December 3rd at 9 a.m.

A hearing in the matter of State of West Virginia 20f30 vs.  Larry Joseph was heard regarding the revoking of probation and further sentencing. According to Prosecuting Attorney Michael Hicks the revocation was made due to an  unsuccessful drug court. Defense Attorney Daniel Minardi requested a modification of sentencing to home confinement with inpatient treatment for substance abuse stating that there had been no new charges since 2019, but a violation with alcohol use. Mr. Jospeh spoke on his own behalf requesting the consideration for inpatient treatment at St. Joseph Treatment facility. However, the Judge did not agree, stating that this is not a case for alternative sentencing because of failed drug court attempts. She then gave Larry Joseph credit  for time served in jail but no credit  for home confinement. She informed the defendant that she will consider allowing him to be placed in St. Joseph once a placement is made available because she likes the program at St. Joseph and their great success. Until said time he will be remanded into the State custody with ha 1-5 year sentence that will run concurrent. 

Michael Neal appeared with defense Attorney Calvin C. Honaker for arraignment on the charges of Burlary, Fleeing from an Officer, Conspiracy and Grand Larceny in case 24F25. After entering a not guilty plea, he was ordered to appear on November 20th, 2024 for a Pretrial conference with a trial date of December 3rd. He is being held in the WV Central Regional Jail on a $75,000 bond. 

Travis Wayne Sampson appeared in court for an arraignment hearing in case 24F24 charging Burglary and Grand Larceny entering a Not Guilty plea. Although Prosecuting Attorney Michael Hicks stated that no negotiations or offers were made, and that the state can proceed with all charges, Sampson was remanded to drug court. A Pretrial conference will be held on November 20th with a December 3rd, 2024 trial date. 

In the join cases of State of West Virginia vs. Dylan Paul Little and David Paul Little the matter was continued by motion of the Defense for a status conference on November 19th, 2024 at 9 a.m. Attorneys in the cases are Daniel Minardi and David Richardson.

Tina King, facing the charges of Burglary and Petit Larceny in cases 24F23 appeared for arraignment entering a plea of Not Guilty. A Pretrial Conference was set for October 23 at 11:30 a.m.with a Trial date of November 19th, 2024  at 9 a.m.

In case 24-F-22 State of West Virginia  v. Tiffany Kinter, the defendant appeared remotely because of health issues to enter a plea in the indictment for Destruction of Property. Ms. Kinter entered a plea of Not guilty. Defense Attorney Daniel Minardi requested a hearing date in the next term of court. A trial date was set for February 11th, 2025 with a Pretrial date of November 20th, 2024.  9:30 a.m.

In the matter of State of West Virginia vs. Gregory and Patricia Laughlin, the co defendants appeared with an attorney from the Robinson Law Office and special In the case of State of West Virginia vs. Gregory and Patricia Laughlin, having been charged 2 counts each of Intent to Defraud, the defendants both entered a not guilty plea.  Prosecuting Attorney Gerald B. Hough was assigned to prosecute the case due to an unnamed conflict of Calhoun Prosecutor Michael Hicks. A recommended bond by P.A. Hough of $40,000 each was refused by Judge Anita Harold Ashley stating that she believed that was a little high. An attorney for both defendants from the Robinson Law Office requested the bond be set at $5,000 each. Judge Ashley believed that to be too low and set both defendants bonds at $10,000 cash/surety to be posted by 4 p.m. on Friday September 20th, 2024. The case is set for arraignment on October 23, 2024 at 11:15 a.m. 


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