I am Jacob McCumbers, and as you know, I am running for Calhoun County Commission, as a democratic candidate. I have lived in Calhoun all my life with my family. I went to school in Calhoun, later attending Glenville State College and receiving my degree. I currently live in Arnoldsburg with my three children: Jimmy, Read More…
Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church. Jerry Duskey, age 71, of Burning Springs was killed in a car wreck on Elizabeth hill. He was buried Sunday in the Wright cemetery. In his younger years he worked for the WEVA Oil company. He is survived by his wife, Read More…
Charleston, W. Va. – WV Secretary of State Mac Warner is reminding citizens interested in running for public office that Saturday, January 27, is the last day to file a Statement of Candidacy for the Primary Election. The Primary Election is a preliminary election to nominate candidates of political parties for the corresponding General Election. In addition, non-partisan Read More…