News Schools

Calhoun School Board Meeting, Everything is Wonderful

Calhoun County School Board met for their regularly scheduled Board meeting Monday, June 12th at the Board of Education Office on Mollohan Drive.

School Board members in attendance were Horst Motz, Tammy Yoak, Jenna Jett (by phone), Mitchell Morgan and James Gregory. 

Board acknowledgments were given by Hortz Motz who acknowledges the community and award ceremonies saying “As a board member I can’t say enough regarding what the students are receiving from the fine teachers. I appreciate teachers and service personnel who show their dedication to the school and community. Summer camp and programs coming up and hopefully the students can avail themselves of that opportunity. 

Mitchell Morgan stated simply that he was thankful for students, teachers, and service personnel. It’s a great program.

Jenna Jett expressed her appreciation to those who were apart of the graduation ceremony. Grateful for the staff and students.

Tammy Yoak mentioned the criticism she had felt for being so positive all the time. I feel it’s better to come from a positive position rather than a negative. Further saying that “it’s a thankless job, not always easy and the pay is horrible. I will always be a champion for Calhoun County Schools.”

Once again students and teachers presented the Empowerment Pilot program to the School Board. Tucker Sampson and Anessia Kerby presented a power point and described their experience with the Empowerment program.  Teacher Mr. Dan Cosgrove said of Tucker and Anessia, that they were students recognized as leaders among their peers, 

Teacher Josh Johnson reported zero incidents of discipline issues  during the teaching of the Pathway  program. A matter highlighted because normally behavior worsens as students near summer break. The difference was said to come from the  students interest and investment into their projects. Tucker and Anessia answered questions regarding the program about student collaboration and interest. Tucker noted that students didn’t goof off because they really wanted to do it and Anessia reported that students worked together when they got stuck on a problem or asked for help. She also said that the “normal” destruction of the classroom didn’t happen. Nothing was destroyed by students while working on their project.”

Tammy Yoak, commented on how wonderful the allowed planning time would be for teachers, being allotted a whole day each week to plan.  

Melissa West, reporter for the Calhoun Chronicle ask Tucker and Anessia if there were any students who did not understand and lagged behind. Tucker responded saying “Before we moved on we made sure everyone understood.”

Two spoke during the delegation time, the first of which was parent and grandparent Shannon Waldron. She presented a calendar to the Board from the WVSSAC showing the dates for 2024 of track and field events. For the past several years, the track and field state championship has coincided with Calhoun’s High School Graduation making any student involved in that sport having to choose between attending the event or attending their graduation, missing out on a very important opportunity either way. She requested the board reconsider another date for graduation to eliminate this from being an issue. No response was given saying they’d consider it. Waldron also mentioned that this would be the 100th graduation ceremony of Calhoun Schools and should be given proper attention.

Second to speak was grandparent, Loretta Propst. Mrs. Propst addressed the school board about the lack of involvement of student families in the choosing of curriculum and the fear she had of what books and courses of instruction would be taught to children. She informed the board that if books with sexual content came home with any of her grandchildren, she would be back before the board to discuss it. She then asked if regarding the Pathways program if the school was neglecting reading and other core subjects, saying she didn’t believe the students were even aware of what the Constitution of the United States was. In her closing statements she brought to the attention of the Board that the “Under the table teaching of certain lifestyles” shouldn’t happen, nor should the secrets of the Pathway program. She asked the board to consider the brilliant students in Calhoun when making their decisions. 

Moving on to School Board matters, Board member Horst Motz reported on the Calhoun Gilmer Career Center referring to it being “Empowerment at a later state.” He has seen a lot of positive things happening their and hears from students the difference in the learning environment from traditional school. Motz said that students can apply to the career center with Juniors and Seniors being given first priority over younger classes. If there is room they would be allowed to attend. Two of the Calhoun Gilmer Career Center staff are retiring, Shirley Hupp from administration and Michael Jackson, Criminal Justice Instructor. The Criminal Justic program is not continuing. 

Under the Superintendent’s report, Kelli Whytsell reported on legislative changes coming down the pike with regard to staff requests for using their no cause days. Under the change of legislation a teacher can take a day off without cause and cannot be denied so long as 14 days notice is given. Whytsell is concerned that if multiple teachers apply for those days the same day, an issue could arise with not enough staff to have school. 

A year long waiver has been requested on the installation of audio recording equipment in the  special education restrooms due to the inability to find someone to do the installation. If it can be done earlier it will be done.

The School has received a grant in the mount of $673, 810 for a safe school entrance at the Middle High school and the installation of new exterior ground floor doors. 

Summer camps began on Monday, June 12th with a total of 78 students attending. 

Added to the personnel matters on the agenda was the hiring of Tim Davis as Middle School Basketball Coach. To see the remaining items on the agenda that were approved view the agenda published last week on this Link.

After 5 expulsion reviews and 2 expulsion hearings the board again went into executive session for their “self appraisal and Superintendent Evaluation.” It is assumed that everything was wonderful.
