Art & Music Opinion

Celebrating an Era of the Past

Shari Johnson/Publisher

I love the “National Celebratory Days.” They’re usually quirky and unusual things that we’d not think of generally without reason, and a National Day is just the reason! There are a few that are of interst to me today. One is “National Hand Writing Day.” It absolutely breaks my heart that handwriting is no longer taught in many public schools. I’m not sure what genius thought that was a good idea, except somone who is in line with Satan and his numerical plan of identification in end time events. Just saying. Of course this is an opinion piece and you of course are free to have an opinion.

I am not anti-technology and I realize that the vast majority of reading, writing and arithmatic are done on digital divices. They are in my world as well. But…as an artist, as someone who loves the concept of creating with pen and ink, I also write on my digital devices. My ipad and iPencil make it possible for me to scribble to my hearts content on the screen. Write as if it were paper and draw as if it were canvas. It’s amazing how far technology has come! But none of that replaces the feeling of handwritten notes and images.

Today I hope you’ll take the time to scribble a line or two, perhaps in a note to somone, or a note to self, and celebrate that you were raised in era when it was still an appreciated skill.

It’s also National Pie Day! A fact that I plan on celebrating with a lattice top apple and a cup of coffee this afternoon. Yum! What’s your favorite pie? Or what’s your thoughts on technology. Write me a note below. I’ll pretend you hand penned it.