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Rev. Craig Blankenship filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church & served Holy Communion.
The bridge department brought up an air compressor [instead of a leaf b lower] to blow out the holes in the deck of the Little Kanawha River bridge at Creston and then filled the imperfections with cold mix. For now the bridge rides much better.
A double wide trailer has been set on the Jack dePue place not far from where the old "Doc" Wix house stood.
Steve Loudin was having chariot troubles & was consulting with D & L repair shop.
Forsythia (yellow bells) is in bloom and the red buds are about to be in bloom. Boston oil & gas pioneer Godfrey L. Cabot always made it a point to be in this area when the red buds were in their glory.
Wilma Mowrey has been on the sick list. Another local fellow had his CT scan and found that he had all the indications that he was no longer young.
Three Wirt County residents attended and participated in the West Virginia State Republican Party winter meeting in Huntington. A "Roaring 20s" reception was held in the historic Keith Albee theater and noting that 'back then' it was prohibition so only water & soft drinks were served. FFA & FBLA students who are studying parliamentary procedure would have found parts of the meeting very instructional as to what happens when, well . . . . Graduates of those programs sat & rolled their eyes. One speaker talked about counties being something from the horse & buggy day and new, wonderful, things should be done.
Our "fearless leader" who sometimes forgets where he is told the troops now placed in Poland that they would see for themselves how things are in Ukraine. Later the "cleanup in isle five group" said he really didn't mean to say that but too many indications that those who run the country intend to do what they say won't happen.
Biden did say and no one disagreed that he was happy that the "new world order" was now here. It is also called the Great Reset. In 1950 central banker Paul Warburg said "we will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent."
In 1982 Joe Biden wrote an article in the Wall Street Journal titled "How I Learned to Love the New World Order".
David Rockefeller in 1991 said "The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto -determination practiced in past centuries."
In 2008 Henry Kissinger opined "I think that his [Obama's] task will be to develop an overall strategy for America in this period when really a New World Order can be created."
The new world order will have only one currency likely digital controlled by the rulers and it will be ruled by non elected oilgarchs in a system like that of the Middle Ages and all aspects of life will be controlled including the number of humans allowed to be on the planet. There will be no middle class which explains many actions presently being done by the federal government and other nations such as the recent example in Canada. There will be only rulers and servants and there will be no borders which explains the present disaster along the boundary with Mexico. Of course no one will be allowed to have firearms to protect themselves. Those who object will be cancelled. Such has been obvious for those who do not say the "correct" answer or response. Those still having problems with the Wuhan Kung Flu virus know that those who opposed the "fabrications" spread by Dr. Fauci were banished. Fauci's buddy Bill Gates who is involved in vaccines & "health" world wide has said that there are too many people and something should be done. Presently the death rate for folks under 65 is up 40% [but don't talk about it].
As a result of the Big Eared One's push to help Iran get a bomb quickly the Sunni Arabs are looking around for help & direction. Saudi Arabia's oil company Aramco [formerly called Arabian American Oil Co.] recently did a deal with China Petroleum & Chemical Corp. (Sinopec). This Chinese communist government firm has substantial links to Hunter Biden.
The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude rose to $112.90/bbl. with condensate, formerly called Appalachian light sweet fetching $98.90/bb. while Marcellus & Utica light brought $103.90 & medium $112.90/bbl.
Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. church. The big Creston Halloween party is Saturday, October 29 at 5 P. M. at the Community Building. Come if you dare! It is also asked that folks bring “finger food” with them to share. As noted before, the event is a Read More…
Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church. The Creston Community Building Veteran’s Day event was celebrated Sunday November 6. Speakers were Sen. Donna Boley & Sen. Mike Azinger, Jerry Smith, a veteran who, along with his wife, works with veterans who have stressful situations & active duty marine Read More…
Ridgeview News was once again not notified by a government office of meeting day and time. The Town of Grantsville took a page from the play book of county officials who do not seem to want the general public to know of their official meetings and plans. Government meetings are not necessarily fun, but if Read More…