Guest Writers News

Creston News: Straight Stuff without Varnish

Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church.

On Saturday May 20 there will be a flea market at the Creston Community Building.  Signups start at 8 A. M. and one should bring one’s own table.  At 11 A. M. the antique cars will start arriving for the antique car/truck show. Food will be served and the hot dogs will be topped with the special Creston hot dog sauce.

Gene Hopkins, age 80, of Parkersburg passed away after a protracted illness.  He was the son of Bob and Gladys Hall Hopkins, both Creston natives.  Burial was at the K of P in Elizabeth.

Ronald Lee Hart, age 81, of Millstone passed away.  The son of William Lee & Frances Boggs Hart, he was born at the mouth of Rock Camp, up the West Fork from Creston.  He was a green beret veteran of the Viet Nam War..

Jerry Bunner got a good report from his last medical inspection and Barb Wright is scheduled this week for an internal viewing, so to speak.  The Creston area should, by now, be well inspected.

Some Creston residents attended the pan cake breakfast held at the old Morristown school.  Good food was served.

Blackberries are in bloom so there should be a good crop of berries.  Locust trees are loaded with blossoms which means that it should be a good corn crop although almost no field corn is planted locally.  The deep fried blossoms are delicious.  Also, the USDA’s multiflora roses are in bloom reminding everyone that very bad government programs never go away  — at least not until a firm & determined national leader makes the current USDA employees spend their 40 hour weeks digging & eradicating the pests without the use of gloves.

We now learn that US troops are on the ground in Ukraine in the war against Russia.  Apparently, the US citizens have no say in what the deep state does but we know that one family got a lot of $$$ from the Ukraine and more, much more from our enemy communist China.  Such might explain why certain rules are promulgated to wreck economic havoc on America.  Seems that same family was involved in “biolabs” in Ukraine and now we hear about such in Sudan. Is there ever an end to the chicanery?

The Biden EPA has put out a new rule [681 pages] that, according to the Wall Street Journal, means the end of natural gas fueled electricity.  This past winter a record was set for the most natural gas used to generate electric.

Then, at the time, the four FERC [Federal Energy Regulatory Commission] commissioners [2 D & 2 R] all advised the U. S. Senate that the shut down of coal & gas fired electric power plants with NO replacements is “catastrophic” and “the red lights are flashing”.  This would impact the local area for the coal plant at Willow Island in Pleasants County is “on the chopping block”.  Those who heat with wood & illuminate with natural gas & kerosene would not be impacted — at least not initially.

Just to be sure that all the state’s citizens get to have exposure to “harmless” herbicides, some Wirt County roadsides were also sprayed “as part of the much touted core maintenance”.

While it had been dry, some recent rain has brought hay fields to the fore which should make for bountiful first cutting hay.  Up in Amish county some first cutting has already been harvested.  Some folks, especially those who ignore the government, have their act together.

The Henry Hub price of natural gas rose to $2.27 while local natural gas was sold [given away] for less than $2.00.   When postage for a letter was 3 cents gas sold for 25 cents and now postage is 63 cents.  As they say, “Something isn’t right”. Just for the sake of comparison the price of LNG in the Netherlands was $12.32/MMBTU & the price in East Asia was $11.54.  Last year those prices were $30.90 & $24.08 respectively.   Of course, it is obvious why EQT wants to export all their natural gas.  Meanwhile Russia is working to be the world’s largest exporter of LNG.  It has been noted numerous times that Fauxohauntas likes to have her wigwam heated with clean Russian natural gas.

Those local residents who attended the [Sen. Donna] Boley breakfast got to hear the straight stuff without varnish or polish.  The PR man for the W. Va. Chamber of Commerce gave a talk about how all is wonderful but, of course he didn’t want to talk about why no end users for W. Va. methane, ethane, etc. have come to pass.  Former delegate Roger Conley let loose with both barrels since the chamber had come out in the Republican primary against both him & former delegate Kimes.  It was obvious that if one did not kiss a certain sphincter, conservatives would would become “enemies”.   Among other things there was a discussion about the porno books in the Wood County schools and an example book was brought for folks to see.  One elected official who has the power to act said it “was art”.

Some of the nasty invasive black buzzards were seen in the Elizabeth neighborhood.  Civic minded residents should act to resolve the problem.

A big fancy inspection device was used to inspect the bridge that crosses the West Fork of the Little Kanawha at Creston.

The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude fell to $69.04/bbl. with condensate, formerly called Appalachian light sweet, fetched just $53.04/bbl.  Marcellus & Utica light brought $60.04 & medium $69.04/bbl.
