Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. church. He noted that he had consulted with his cardiac specialist.
John Griffin joined the other Wirt County Commissioners at the state meeting held at Glade Springs. It is understood that Calhoun County did not have a representative at the confab.
Peanut got some fine second cutting hay up on the dePue farm after an unscheduled rain.
The ambulance was calling in the Creston area.
Debbie Griffin continues to have health problems.
Some Creston residents attended the big Republican party picnic at Fuzzy Dils Park in Vienna. Several candidates spoke giving those there an idea who these folks are and what they say they stand for. A state senator (Weld) from the panhandle said he didn’t know that the companies were using the forced poling law as a threat against citizens who are trying to get a fair dcseal on world class minerals in an oil & gas lease.
It was learned that the proposed PTT Ohio Ethane cracker that was to built across the river from Moundsville is now dead.
It was reported that brine wells across the river from the Parkersburg area are not “contained” and that injected fluid, some of which is radioactive has now reached the surface and has followed liniments/faults and has showed up great distances away. It was suggested that all this might pollute the water aquifers and make the entire area unhabitable as it is said this area is shown on UN maps showing future events. Obviously, some need to ask some serious questions before it is too late. One might wonder why the brine is not used to extract lithium rather than being pumped back underground. Probably the same reason natural gas is flared in third world countries to get the crude oil.
Speaking of putting stuff underground it was announced that the ARCH 2 hydrogen hub will be in Mason County thanks to $2 billion in taxpayer funds from the so called Inflation Reduction ACT pushed by Broadway Joe [or Maserati Joe as he is known as in the swamp]. By the way, the little wife is now head of the ARC (Appalachian Regional Commission). An outfit called Fideles H2 is to take Utica & Marcellus natural gas and make hydrogen that will power the steel mill, run green houses and a “data center” and be “carbon neutral”. It would seem that if one has the right connections the laws of physics no longer apply. It seems that our legislators allowed certain areas of the state to be used exclusively for the storage of CO2. The promoters thanked Sen. Craig “Baldy” Blair, “Smiley” Carmichaels & others for “making the way straight”. Now all of this is to happen in or by 2028 they say.
Some folks from the area have, once again, tested positive for Dr. Fauci’s wonderful gain of function virus. He & Dr. Francis Collins & others collected hundreds of millions of dollars in royalties on the vaccines and it is easy to understand why they would thwart other cheap treatment, like ivermectin, that really work. Some say that mask & mandatory shots are coming back but many say, “never again”.
The deal where EQT was to purchase Tug Hill, an outfit that has Marcellus & Utica wells in West Virginia, finally was approved after a deal [who knows what or to whom] was cut with the federal government.
The wild fire that likely killed at least 1000 in Hawaii continues to make news. The rulers did not use the warning sirens and hours were wasted getting permission to use water to fight the fire(s). Amazingly high dollar homes nearby were spared and now the government says they will take the land for a WEF (World Economic Forum) promoted :”15 minute city”. This is happening in America, not China or Russia. Elections do have consequences.
It would seem now that more than one firm has solved the mystery as to how to get the oil [there are billions of barrels] from the oil window of the Utica formation. The present activity is in Ohio but West Virgina has a substantial area of Utica in the oil window.
Alvin Engelke has some lovable little kittens that like to have small children play with them.
Although the price of gasolene continues to go up [Is it to $4 or to $5?] the price of local Pennsylvania grade [the best] dropped to $80.25/bbl. with condensate fetching $62.25/bbl. Marcellus & Utica light brought $71.25 and medium $80.25/bbl.

Alvin…..the commission mtg where the Wirt Commissioners attended …..was that a state meeting of commissioners? Thanks sir…also enjoy reading ur column
This is Nancy and yes it was a state meeting.
This is Nancy and yes it was a state meeting….