Guest Writers News

Creston News Week of September 2nd

Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church.

The other day Elizabeth had a nice rain and then on Thursday Grantsville had rain but in Creston hardly a drop.  However, on Saturday Creston received two very good rains and then some more sprinkles and on Sunday it was overcast for most of the day which was a blessing.  The very good rain increased the flow of the Little Kanawha under the Creston bridge so now one might get wet feet whilst crossing the river.  Around Creston leaves had been turning brown and many have fallen & the rain brought down many more.

Spencer’s Sherman Parsons had his grandson with him when they met a fellow with a Trump hat.  The grandson noted that he was not old enough to vote but he wanted a photograph with a Trump hat fellow.  Both the Spencer & Elizabeth Sherm Parsons were employees of the state road.

Some one knocked down the sign at Shade Tree. Backed into it with a truck it was said.

Renee Gray noted that she now has a new deer blind.  Old Brer Bar got into her bee hives so, perhaps, she should have invested in “bear blinds”.

Down at the mouth of Still Run on W. Va. 5 there are some spectacular sunflower plants that were watered when there was no rain.  Back when, the Henderson family who then lived on Henderson’s Run had their still there.  They later moved and built Henderson Hall south of Williamstown.

Mary Reno fell & broke her ankle so she is staying with daughter Anna.

Sunday was the annual Homecoming event for the church on Ground Hog.

An article in Farm & Dairy notes that Tenaska, a Nebraska outfit, wants to create a CO2 storage hub in an area in Pennsylvania, Ohio & West Virginia with a total of 12 injection wells.  All this is part of the big scam “to save the planet” from Carbon dioxide which is needed for all vegetation to grow.  From a geological standpoint the atmospheric CO2 has been at a historic low and recent very small increases have stimulated vegetation regreening in places like the Sahara desert which has to be a good thing. This is tied into the so called hydrogen hub which is being managed by the Battelle group, an outfit that has “feasted” on government funding for decades.  The claim is that the “hub” will generate 21,000 jobs, 18,000 in construction and then 3,000 permanent. There seem to be problems [elsewhere] with the storage wells with, perhaps only two functioning up in North Dakota. Not so long  back Mountaineer GigaSystem, LLC offered the State of West Virginia a royalty of $3.35/metric ton to sequester CO2 in Mason County.  This outfit offered $1.50/metric ton.  Who knows what a fair price would be.  The moral of the story is “don’t sign any pore lease agreements until basic facts are learned.”   For starters one might inquire of “Smiley” Carmichaels.  Isn’t he in charge of “economic development”?

It was learned that Kackles VP pick enacted new rules in Minnesota that, starting next year, believing Christians will not be able to be certified as teachers.  This, apparently, would also impact private & parochial schools as well.  The Sunday School lesson from the Book of Daniel pointed out the importance of not violating basic beliefs. The total transformation talked about by the Big Eared One has no place for religion or any aspect of western society or freedom for individuals.

Kathleen Cervonne now has a new, to her, chariot.  The orange jeep had a bad “intersection” with one of the DNR’s deer a while back.

The Henry Hub price of natural gas [down in Louisiana] was $2.13/dekatherm while the DTI (Mother Hope) price was $1.306 while TCO (Columbia Gas/
TransCanada) was $1.411. Gas sold from Owl Hill [in Wirt County] fetched just 53 cents/Dekatherm.  It was again reported that after opening the Mountain Valley pipeline West Virginia shipped out a record volume of natural gas [instead of using it here to generate jobs and wealth].  In spite of the current low prices for West Virginia gas there is active leasing & drilling in areas where the Marcellus & Utica have been drilled.  Much effort is on the wet liquids area and the con artists [with State of W. Va. Help] want to get the liquids for free, thus robbing the state & taxpayers of great wealth.  Y-grade liquids from the gas fractionation plants is priced at $27.781/bbl.  The Williams Company fractionation plant on the Ohio River below Moundsville was flaring gas on Friday. 

The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude dipped to $72.55/bbl. With condensate, formerly called Appalachian light sweet, bringing $54.55/bbl. And Marcellus & Utica light crude bringing $61.55/bbl.


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