News Politics

Don’t Assume Your Opinion is Represented at the Polls

With only sixty days remaining until the November 5th, 2024 Election most people already know who they’re going to vote for. The stance of values between the Republicans and the Democrats is literally miles apart and the two are trying to build very different worlds.

And so that gets us to a group of people that not everyone is looking at as closely as they should. They are those who have chosen to register as independent or another party because they do not agree with the Democrat or Republican platforms. How this group of people are going to vote is not entirely clear. Although in the case of Calhoun County, for which the vast majority of them left the Democrat party to become an independent, one would assume they’re not going to vote Democrat, but assumption is never a good thing. They didn’t entirely agree with the Republicans either or they’d have registered that way. This is the reason that Calhoun citizens must get out to vote. A sure fire way to lose the majority of the vote, is for the majority of your voters to stay home.

Calhoun County, as well as the majority of the State, has turned West Virginia flaming red with a few dying embers of blue. It is the opinion of Ridgeview News that this is because the liberal anti gun, pro abortion, and anti biblical foundation of belief in more than one gender and their support of the 3% of transgender rights over American rights has taken the purple out of our State. (blue and red make purple in case that wasn’t clear.) Citizens may not agree entirely with the Republican Party, but they do agree with common sense.

Out of the 55 West Virginia Counties, 47 are currently Republican led. Those still carrying a Democrat majority are: Boone, Braxton, Gilmer, Logan, Marion, Mingo, Monongalia, and Webster; with some of those by a narrow margin.

In August of 2016 the number of registered voters in Calhoun County was 5,892 with only 1,271 of those being registered Republicans . Compare that to the current number of total registered voters, which is 4,393, of which 1,638 are Republican and 1,312 are Democrats, the political climate has drastically changed over the years. The percentages currently stand at:

  • 37% Republican
  • 30% Democrat
  • .2% Mountain
  • .8% Libertarian
  • 22% No Party
  • 10% Other

With Democratic leadership at the helm of our County, the decline of residents and opportunity has been notable. Add to that the lack of transparency and the lack of attention by citizens as to what was happening, has allowed Calhoun County to get in the shape it’s in.

But under new Republican leadership, somewhat greater transparency (we still have work to do) our County is increasing opportunity as well as State and National Attention. To keep that momentum up, voters must show up at the polls and hold those in charge of our election accountable.


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