The 1982 Foundation will be hosting their Annual Fall Event on the Avalon Campus in Grantsville, WV on Saturday, October 5th, 2024 with something for everyone in the family!
- Bobbi Jo Walker- Bee Keeping
- Shari Johnson-Homeopathy
- Eric Hoskins- Archery Demo
- Stoned Goat- Bone Broth
- David Gerlach- Woodburning Techniches
- Linnda Pennebaker- Goats Milk Products
- Donna Schoolcraft- WVU Extension Office
- Karen Pennebaker- Jewelry
- Karen Badgett- Embroidery
- Pam Sears- Herbal Salves
- Tammy Stump- Candle Making
- John Bixman- Freeze Dried Candy
- Cabot Recyling
In addition to the vendors and exhibits they’ll be a:
- Baked Goods
- Car & Tractor Show
- Hillbilly Golf Bingo
- Squirrel Hunt
- Chili Cook-Off
Don’t miss this awesome event!