Mayor Robert Petrovsky called the Grantsville Town Council meeting to order shortly after 6 p.m. on Monday night, even without electricity in the City Building. The council members present were Judy Powell, Linda Staton, Dorthy McCauley, Cheryl Sturm, and William Villers.

Community Concerns was addressed with an invitation given to anyone present to speak. Doug Gallagher addressed the Mayor and Council regarding the need for a Cooling or Hearing Station for the community when the county loses power for any reason, be it planned outages as the one that MonPower had on Monday or weather/crisis situations. Mayor Petrovsky agreed that it was a good idea and one that he would speak to Calhoun Emergency Services to see if there could be an organized effort to create one.
Mr. Gallagher also requested that the Mayor plan in advance for winter weather, in asking residents to park on one side of the street for better snow removal. The Mayor said that they’d attempted that before but didn’t always have compliance, but he’d try it again. He also announced that he would like to do quarterly street sweeping and make the same request for parking.
Michael and Cheryl Plato spoke next and thanked the Mayor and Council for their work in the community. They encouraged them to participate in the ”Extreme Tour” event that will be held on the Wayne Underwood Field at the Calhoun County Community Center on Sunday evening at 6 p.m. There will also be a meet and greet at the Cornerstone Church on Saturday Night that anyone is welcome to attend.
During the Mayors Communication time on the agenda, Mayor Petrovsky said that they are moving forward for the hiring of a Chief of Police and will train a new hire if necessary. The town will also employ a full time water plant operator in the expectation of the future retirement of David Johnson, Chief Operator. Ray Hickman, city employee resigned effective this coming Friday, and his position will not be filled, but will be replaced with the new water department employee. The finances of these positions will be discussed at a later date. The Mayors hopes that whomever they hire will be a local person who intends to stay in the position for some time.

The Mayor presented the new street signs made by area craftsman David Gerlach to the council and community. All things are in place for the eleven finished signs to be put up soon.
Mayor Petrovsky said that the ARPA stipend was received and he is waiting for word on a matter before paving and patching half of Elizabeth Street as well as working on Hathaway and potholes on Southside. The city is still wrestling with leks in town but are addressing them as time and staff can. He stated that he was unhappy about being contacted by a new resident who is having issues with water in his new home.
Jake Frady of MORVC presented two draw downs to the council for payment for the current water and sewer projects. Draw down #13 was for an invoice for $181,710.00 from Orders Construction and one from MORVC for administration costs in the amount of $39.90. The draw down passed.
The second draw down was for the sewer project for $16,001.25 for Dunn Engineering and $119.06 for MORVC which both passed with the Council.
Fred Hypes of Dunn Engineering said that the reason for delays on the Water project was due to Equipment deliver delays which have all recently made it to site and were likely the bulk of the expenditures from draw down #13. Orders Construction would soon begin Metal Work and painting in hopes of having this part of the water project finished before cold weather. The overall project is set to be completed by Spring.
Doug Gallagher questioned Mr. Hypes and the Mayor about the payment procedure for the Water and sewer projects. Fred Hypes clarified that .90 cents on the dollar was paid upon presentation of invoice for work and equipment, with the balance to be paid upon satisfaction of completion of the project.
The Mayor asked Fred Hypes why there were houses on Mill Street which were not apart of the current water project to which Mr. Hypes said that that was an issue with a previous engineering firm, not him. But he said that it would be a possibility to get them into the project if the Town spoke to MOVRC now and with Senator Manchin there was a possibility for additional funding if they’d ask.
According to Jake Frady, MORVC the Rainbow Hotel demolition project continues to be on hold while waiting for answers from the EPA. Councilwoman Judy Powell noted that the project was supposed to be out for bid this month, but continued to be plagued with delays. The town also is waiting on Attorney Rock Wilson to provide them a copy of their Bill of Sale.
Before the meeting adjourned, the Mayor announced that there will be a special meeting called when a quote comes in for the paving. The next regular meeting will be September 5th at 6 p.m.