Have you wanted to enroll your child in a Christian school but haven’t had the resources to do so? Then the WV Hope Scholarship is the answer for you and your family. During the 2021 WV legislative session, the scholarship rule was passed to allow parents the opportunity to apply for a tax-dollar educational scholarship in the amount of $4600 per academic year. If you want your child to attend a Christian school where God’s Word is the foundation, and academics and life skills are taught in a manner that guides your child to being a responsible, mature, and caring member of our community, then contact us today at Little Kanawha Valley Christian School to ask about our open enrollment that begins on March 9th. Call us today at 304.354.6436 for any questions about the Hope Scholarship application process and our enrollment process. Please check out the guidelines for applying to the Hope Scholarship. Application can be submitted from March 1 – May 15, 2022. www.hopescholarshipwv.com
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