Route 33 Wrestling Returns to the Armory on Main St. in Spencer, WV this Saturday, July 9th! Route 33 Wrestling is a Spencer, WV-based professional wrestling company owned and directed by stuntwoman and actor combatant Jessi McCumbers, aka. “The Boss Lady” JC. McCumbers started Rt33W in 2018 following an accident and injury that forced her to the sidelines of the stunt Read More…
*UPDATE TO ARTICLE BELOW: Ridgeview News was contacted by Steve Whited, CEO of Minnie Hamilton Health Systems regarding misquotes or misunderstandings by Ridgeview during the Thursday evening work session. Ridgeview will never intentionally mislead, but as human nature is, I am not above mistakes. (*1) Mr. Whited noted that the description of Minnie Hamilton’s potential Read More…
The Arnoldsburger Restaurant located at Y in Arnoldsburg is officer a free dinner and drink of your choice to all Veterans from 12 Noon to 7 p.m. to thank you for your service to the United States.