It’s official, time to get to work!
That’s the attitude of our newest County Commissioner as he begins the New Year in his new position and Calhoun County Leader.
“I look forward to serving Calhoun over the next 6 years,” he said on social media, laying out his plan for the coming years.
“First focus will be to properly fund our Sheriff’s Office which will allow them to hire additional deputies, pay competitive wages and keep them patrolling our county.
Secondly we need to go after any money that’s available to expand our infrastructure here at home. It’s time we attract businesses to move here and provide much needed services for our citizens.
Third, focus is on jobs, jobs, jobs! A single job created means so much for this community. I will focus on livable wage jobs and do what’s necessary to attract businesses here in Calhoun.
This is just the short list, we have so much to get accomplished!
Working as a team with the other Commissioners I feel our county has its best opportunity to make a real difference in everyone’s life!”

Eric was sworn in by Judge Anita Harold Ashley the latter part of December in a ceremony attended by his wife and daughter, Brandi Lupardus and Camry Richards.