On Thursday, August 18, 2022, the Welfare of Animals Group (WAG) will be humanely trapping stray and feral cats in the Grantsville area to have them spayed/neutered, vaccinated, and ear tipped (the universal sign that a cat has been part of a Trap-Neuter-Return program). We would appreciate if you would not put food out for Read More…
Michael Frederick Morris, 36, was arrested for Felony Fleeing from an Officer on January 18, 2022 and incarcerated in the Central Regional by Deputy CJ Myers. He was arraigned by Magistrate Lora Davis and is being held on a $20,000 bond. His hearing date has been scheduled for January 24th at 2:30 p.m.
For the average observer a beautiful clear night can certainly yield an inspiring view, but as far as understanding the science behind the view or being able to point out more than a few constellations, most of us are very limited. But there are those who spend their nights into the wee hours of the Read More…