Outstanding Student Leaders for morning and afternoon CTE labs were recognized this week at our fall student assembly on 11-14-24. These students are managers and/or foreman within their simulated workplace companies at our center and act as our student council making an impact within their classrooms and center-wide for improved practices and skill development. Congratulations to our CGCC Outstanding Student Leaders!

Two of our health occupations students placed in the top 3 of their event during the WV State HOSA Competition at Marshall University last year which secured them a spot at Internationals in Houston Texas in June, 2024.
Lauren Lovejoy won 1st place in Veterinary Science, and Camron Jarvis earned 2nd place in Sports Medicine.

Seven health occupations students represented CGCC, and competed in the WV State HOSA Competition at Marshall University in 2024.
Cameron Cogar, Camron Jarvis, Jaiden Francis, Lauren Lovejoy, Ashlyn Boak, Chloe Starcher and Maycee Carter