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Rev. Keith Gillespie came to the Burning Springs M. E. Church Sunday but there were not many there to hear him as electric service in the Creston [and Burning Springs] areas was nonexistent and telephones were dead and, of course, there was no internet. Electric service in Creston came back on Sunday afternoon after the Creston Easter party was cancelled.
Frankie Mowrey, age 92, passed away at the Miletree Center after battling Alzheimer’s disease. The widow of Phil Mowrey, she will be laid to rest on Wednesday.
Creston once again had high water although not many roads were blocked. Hyacinths and blood root are in bloom as are many other beautiful spring ephemerals. It is a time to take a walk in the woods to see all the wonders that surround us.
Glen Henthorn, Frances Lemley & Mr. & Mrs. Mike Davis were all attending to business in Creston & Glenville.
Helma Starcher, age 88, died in the Miletree center in Spencer. He was a long time employee at the Calhoun road garage. He was the man there early and available to do whatever task needed to be done, often with the help of “Doc” McCune.
A new ammonia plant is to built in Texas to use natural gas produced here. Do our “betters” down at the Mouth of the Elk go out of their way to make sure that our natural resources are not utilized here? Is it state policy to prohibit downstream job and wealth generation from our natural resources? The Freeport Texas LNG facility is now back up & funning sending off for export 2bcf/day [billion cubic feet] of natural gas to other nations. The TransCanada pipeline that goes under W. Va. below Creston is said to transport that amount each & every day.
Speaking of folks down at the Mouth of the Elk the governor now has his wages garnished to pay a $850,000 judgement. Mitch McConnell, whose wife has a big Chinese shipping company, wants him to be the Republican candidate for U. S. Senate while other swamp uniparty Republicans are backing Broadway Joe [or Maserati Joe as they call him]. That way regardless of the turnout of the election the deep state uniparty wins. There is also a fight over control of the W. Va. Republican party involving operatives from the Dee Cee swamp. Folks need to get involved.
There is a big timber job up near the head of Ann’s Run. Humongous loads of logs are being hauled off to Ohio. Some years back there was a move to locate a wood products facility in Wirt County and the legislature had appropriated the funds to purchase the land but Broadway Joe said that Wirt County did not need such and he killed the project.
Nancy Engelke was consulting with her eye doctor.
Christians in China, African nations & in the middle east have been persecuted and killed now for a long time but most here in America have been left alone. However, such is no longer the case with the obvious hate crime in Tennessee were 3 nine year old children & 3 school staff were killed by an anti-Christian activist who intended to kill many more before the police terminated her. That was a Presbyterian school so one can only wonder at the hatred directed toward a Pentecostal facility.
The big out of state high dollar contract tree whacking job continued in & around Burning Springs. Travelers can drive by and observe the tall dead trees that were left. One dead evergreen had the limbs on the road side cut off. Apparently, the high dollar lucrative tree “trimming” contracts, described as being “core maintenance” did not include dead trees along the roadway that will fall across the highway. Highways biggie Jimmy Wriston said that there would be a “pothole repair blitz” that would have all the imperfections in the surface of the roadway fixed by Decoration Day. He noted that the blacktop plants were not open in the winter and apparently, he assumed that the readers of the press release [that looked like last year’s edition] would not know about the high grade cold mix that has been used for years to fix bad holes in cold weather. He included in the release about the big contracts for making sure the sun hits the roadways [no leaves in the way]. Apparently those contracts made several “connected” folks well.
Recently it was reported that the required reports of vaccine injuries & death to the government data base has been brought to a halt under instructions of those who do not want us to know the results. Recently even the WHO said vaccinating children was a bad thing. Ed Dowd of Phinance Technologies recently summarized data and found 26.6 million were injured by the vaccines while 1.36 million were disabled and 300,000 were killed. Of course those who worship Dr. Fauci are still loyal to their new “god”.
The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude rose to $74.67/bbl. while the price of condensate was $58.67/bbl. Marcellus & Utica light fetched $65.67 & medium was $74.67/bbl. The Marcellus & Utica fields of W. Va., Ohio & Pennsylvania supplied 29% of the entire nation’s natural gas and this week the Henry Hub price dripped to $2.03/MMBTU/
David Arthur Clary, age 41, was arrested on July 21, 2022 for a bond violation. He is currently held in WV Central Regional Jail on $50,000 bond for case number 22-M07M-00161, which began on May 17, 2022 when he was charged with Domestic Battery.
Trenton Anderson Hunter, age 20, was incarcerated in the WV Central Regional Jail, Flatwoods on June 9, 2022 for a Probation Revocation in case number CC-07-2018-JD-4. Christina Darlene Lamp, age 46, was incarcerated in the WV Central Regional Jail, Flatwoods, WV on two counts of Domestic Battery in case 22-M07M-00193. She is being held on Read More…