Government News

Senator Shelley Moore Capito met with Mersh and Houchin today

Crystal Laughlin Mersh, Senator Shelley Moore Capito and Mia Houchin

Shelley Moore Capito met with Crystal Mersh and Mia Houchin who provided an update on the progress of American Medicines Company Inc.  Senator Capito had initially been briefed last year and was impressed with the progress that had been made to date. She expressed her happiness to hear that Crystal’s company had settled on bringing their site and 500 to 600 jobs to WV. Crystal informed her that a Request for Information would be issued via Secretary Carmichael’s and then the executive leadership team will then evaluate all interested parties and make their decision according to the needs expressed in the RFI.

In addition, Crystal shared with her the development, distribution, and technology plans, as well as providing their business strategy, and shared their discussions with the Department of Defense.

Mia Houchin was doing a “ride along” today which is something that Crystal hopes to do with more often with with students and entrepreneurs, or anyone having interest in the type work that Crystal is involved with..  Mia did an introduction and shared with the Senator her recent opportunity to present at the Calhoun County Commission meeting.  The Senator asked why she felt the development of recreational facilities is important.   Mia shared with the Senator that she felt that such development was key to the economic development that is needed so very desperately for the county, and that she is confident that our citizens are taking the necessary actions to bring improvements that will lead to economic growth.   The Senator was very impressed with Mia, and they also discussed the Senator coming to Calhoun Middle High School to share more insights into her WV Girls Rise UP Program

Crystal has plans to follow up with Senator Capito when she is in DC soon.