Community Events News

Stars & Coffee Star Party – Two Day Event

WVAA will be hosting our monthly Stars and Coffee Star Party at Calhoun County Park on November 8 & 9, 2024 (weather permitting) One of the WV’s premier dark-sky sites! The viewing field is a large wide open area, and has power outlets for those that might need them. The event is for beginners to the advanced. WVAA is committed to outreach and promoting the love of astronomy to all. We work to make astrophotography & astronomy fun for all ages. Attendees can utilize our Seestar smart telescopes which will be available. After downloading the Seestar app in the Google or Apple App Store, we will walk you through taking your own photos. You can save your photo to your phone or tablet to take home with you.

There are available accommodations with a small bunkhouse on the viewing field and a barn on the lower level of the park. Both are $10 per person, per night. Camping in your vehicle or in a tent is also an option for those hardy souls who don’t mind a little chill in the air. We will have snacks, tea, hot cocoa, coffee (Kcups) and WVAA merch for sale. Also, we have gourmet coffee for a small fee. If you purchase one of our WVAA heat-sensitive, color changing mugs, you get one free serving of our gourmet coffee.

We will be conducting astrophotography processing workshops on Saturday as well.