Guest Writers

Creston News

Rev. Craig Blankenship filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church. Sen. Donna Boley, along with local residents, church trustees and friends motored up Burning Springs Run & Chestnut Run to the historic Ruble church which recently was restored. Sen. Boley was able to get a grant of $12,000 to build a Read More…

Guest Writers

Creston News

Rev. Craig Blankenship filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church. The Creston area Neighborhood Watch will have a litter pickup Saturday, May 7 starting at 9 A. M. at the Community Building. There were 345 riders at the spring Creston ATV poker run. The community would like to thank all those Read More…

Guest Writers Human Interest

Creston News

Rev. Craig Blankenship brought the Easter message at the Burning Springs M. E. Church. The Elizabeth church had a sunrise service. Spring is proceeding normally in & around Creston with baby kittens, whip-poor-wills, trilliums, phlox, anemone and the invasive garlic mustard that needs to be pulled up by the roots. This invasive pest puts toxic Read More…

Guest Writers

Creston News

Rev. Craig Blankenship filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church. A big crowd was on hand for the auction at the Creston Community Building. Some while back the wind blew down & damaged the Markee sign that Shade Tree had given to the Creston group. Leon Jurasik repaired the sign, added Read More…

Guest Writers Uncategorized

Creston News

Rev. Craig Blankenship filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church & served Holy Communion. The bridge department brought up an air compressor [instead of a leaf b lower] to blow out the holes in the deck of the Little Kanawha River bridge at Creston and then filled the imperfections with cold Read More…

Guest Writers Opinion

Creston News

Rev. Craig Blankenship filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church. The government mandated fast time started again.  According to press reports this might be the last time the government tells us to change time and reset our biological clocks at the whim of a nameless “public servant”. The snow all went Read More…

Guest Writers

Creston news

Rev. Craig Blankenship brought the message at the Burning Springs M. E. Church. Steve Loudin underwent successful cataract surgery. Duane O’Dell, son of Ward & Dora O’Dell, age 90, passed away. Linda Boatright of Creston passed away. She was the daughter of Crover & Ellen Slider Craddock. Steven Glen Goff, age 54, of Parkersburg passed Read More…

Guest Writers Opinion

Creston News

Rev. Craig Blankenship filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church & served Holy Communion. Ruby Sutton, age 82, of Waverly passed away. She was born in Creston the daughter of Edward & Delma Pepper Grim. A memorial service is planned for a later date. William Russell Bock, age 86, of Vienna Read More…

Guest Writers Opinion

Creston News

Rev. Craig Blankenship filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church. Laura Ann Doty, age 47, of Greencastle died as a result of Dr. Fauci’s virus. She was the daughter of Dick & Shirley Doty. For several years her mother worked in Creston. The Creston area continues to have snow, rain and Read More…

Guest Writers Opinion

Creston News

Rev. Craig Blankenship filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church. I. J. ‘JIm’ Lynch passed away Friday evening. He had bad complications from diabetes and was reported to have also acquired Dr. Fauci’s “wonder virus”. Visitation will be from 6 until 8 on Tuesday at the Matheny FH in Elizabeth with Read More…