Government News Politics

Calhoun County Commission to Appoint Sheriff Again

Last week’s appointment of Nathan Allison as Sheriff to fill the vacancy until the 2024 Election was null and void when the Commission Agenda listed the Appointment as “Interim” Sheriff. The Appointment should have been, Appointment of Sheriff for unexpired term. The Commission will meet Tuesday, May 16th at 8:00 am to vote again. Tune Read More…

Government News

Sheriff Nathan Allison… Almost

Following the meeting on Thursday, May 11th, 2023 to appoint a Calhoun County Sheriff following the resignation of Warren Basnett, comments began to come into Ridgeview News regarding the wording used to appoint Nathan Allison, Sheriff of Calhoun County. When Commissioner Kevin Helmick made the motion to appoint Allison he used the wording “Motion to Read More…

Government News

Calhoun Commission to Hold Special Meeting on Thursday

CALHOUN COUNTY SPECIAL COMMISSION MEETINGThursday, May 11, 2023  8:00 a.m. AGENDA I. Pledge of Allegiance: II. Personnel:​1. ​Appointment Interim Sheriff III. Old Business:​1. ​Solid Waste Authority Request​2. ​Agreement – MHHS – Ambulance Service​3.​Redirection – Levy Monies from EMS to Minnie Hamilton​4. ​Stabilization Fund IV. Executive Session: V. Adjournment – Next Meeting: Monday, June 12, 2023 Ridgeview News plans to cover the meeting live on Facebook, tune in to catch the latest Read More…

Government News Politics

Republican’s Hold Emergency Session for Sheriff Vacancy Recommendations

The Calhoun Republican Executive Committee met Monday evening in an emergency session to discuss the Wednesday Calhoun County Commission meeting over the upcoming Sheriff vacancy. Sheriff Warren Basnett is set to resign on the 30th of April, 2023 leaving his position open with an appointment to be made within 30 days. As the process goes, Read More…