Logan Butler, son of Timothy and Whitney Butler of Arnoldsburg, WV made his first kill on Thanksgiving Day of an 8 point buck. Logan follows a long family history of deer hunting in the hills of West Virginia and the “not always friendly” competition between siblings being the youngest of three boys in his family.
Older brother Nicolis got a four point on Monday, not his first, and according to him not worthy of a photo. Today marks the fifth day of the season with the first rain of the week in Calhoun County. According to experts, a steady rain will cause deer to be active, especially if the wet weather lasts for several days. The deer are out there and they must eat and socialize (especially during the rut).
Don’t forget to send Ridgeview your deer photos to be entered to win the handcrafted shotgun shell pen. Make sure you list who killed the deer and in what county. We’ll draw for the pen on December 3rd at noon.