Community Events News Schools

Calhoun Homecoming Parade has great Attendance and Participation

Friday’s Homecoming Festivities brought all three schools together (Calhoun Middle High School, Pleasant Hill Elementary and Arnoldsburg Elementary) for the Homecoming Parade in Grantsville. Students were bussed to the parade for the opportunity to watch the spirited floats and performances cheer on the home team and of course gather the treats that was thrown from the parade particpants.

Throughout the week businesses had displayed their spirit by participating in costumed theme days for the hopes of winning the spirit stick and bragging rights until next year. Walgreens, Calhoun County Library and Minnie Hamilton participated showing great community pride!

Students at the Calhoun Middle High School dressed for the themes as well as Arnoldsburg Elementary. Pleasant Hill Elementary showed their school spirit by making videos and fun projects at school. Businesses in town were decorated for Fall or Homecoming themes and an excitement was in the air.

  • Thank you to all those who made the day possible for students to attend.
  • Thank you to the teachers who wrangled excited children away from the road in the excitement of retrieving candy.
  • Thank you to the great parade entrants for your time to decorate and for the band and cheer leaders performances.
  • Thank you for Fire Department staff and Law Enforcement for being in the parade as well as directing traffic.