Community Events News

1982 Foundation President Update on the Calhoun County Community Center

Thank God It’s Monday! I have not updated at my normal pace (or done anything at my normal pace) since Feb 4. I hope that this improves sooner than later because I do really miss it.

Right now we are in the hurry up and wait period awaiting mechanical detailed plans and roofing materials. We are doing some demo in the main building, sourcing subcontractors, interior design, and continuing to secure our fund raising strategies. We now have secured the firm Brian Wishneff & Associates to support us in gaining registry on the historic register and associated tax credits, and we are very close to securing a resource for grant writing and administration.

It has now been six months since the formation of The 1982 Foundation and I thought it might be good to summarize some progress:

1) Engaged the community with folks from all over the county dug in, sleeves up, grinding to make this happen…..and by “this” I mean bring economic vitality to our county. I could never have imagined this would have happened so quickly and with such. profound impact.

2) Demoed and secured structures to eliminated a major safety hazard and eye sore. This was no small feat, and although the team made it look easy it was not. The clean up of the interior of the main building was also no small feat and we continue on with this with the removal of all the old mechanicals.

3) Cleaned the building and the grounds.

4) Hosted kick off picnic and tours of building with over 900 people attending.

5) Engaged and gained support from state government to include the Governor’s office, the Dept. of Economic Development, the Office of the Attorney General, the Speaker of the House and the office of US Senator Manchin.

6) Engaged the press to bring coverage to the project and Calhoun in general. Multiple TV, paper and internet publications.

7) Filed with IRS and State of WV for 501(c)(3) status and charitable organization status. WV status granted and IRS approval is pending and anticipated to be granted by mid year.

8) Hosted the Christmas Market, Tree Lighting and Kids Program providing 350 bikes to the kids of Calhoun all assembled by a very special team of volunteers who truly did what I thought would never be done in time…..but I didn’t tell them that.

9) Envisioned and engaged with the WV Chamber of Commerce and State Dept. of Economic Development on a program to bring people and their economic contributions back to WV. We have also engaged with the chamber to start a local chamber to support Calhoun.

10) Engaged with a variety of organizations in order to work to collaborative solutions for the people of Calhoun: Head Start Program, Calhoun County Schools, ARC, Save the Children, local businesses, and the County Commission.

11) Established a solid base of volunteers allowing all of this to be accomplished.

12) Raised nearly $200,000 in addition to $1,000,000 seed donation.

13) Offered to develop swimming pool on the grounds of the Wayne Underwood field, and to support the development of ball fields at the County Park which I understand are already underway by the Park officials. (PS please note that if we cannot come to terms on the field with the County Commission after doing ALL of the leg work to find a pathway afforded by the WV Code, unfortunately The Foundation would have no interest in developing swimming facilities elsewhere in the county.) If the Commission cannot support a pathway of which there are several to transfer this property for the benefit of the people of the county, I think it should also speak volumes to the level of interest the Commission has in advancing the interests of the county. I have heard every excuse imaginable including being questioned on the business viability of a swimming pool. I politely informed the Commission that this is not their concern. I am happy to do what it needed to support this pool or I would not have started the discussion.

14) Explored and continue to explore a number of new business opportunities that could be the basis for small businesses in the county. Supporting county business incubator development to aid in. business start up and scale up.

15) Encouraged and seen progress for people to be involved in local government and matters that affect them. The County Commission was overflowing the small court room which is much progress since Sept. People not attending the meetings was a concern expressed by the Commission so I am glad we are making progress.

16) Sponsored two full ride scholarships for two seniors with interest in STEM. This is an effort to grow a base of employees so that more high value jobs can come to Calhoun.

17) Outlined four summer camps to be done in conjunction with Calhoun Co Schools.

18) Objectives and major events set for 2022.

And the best part is the very best is yet to come.

Very often we have people acknowledge that this is the most positive activity in Calhoun for decades. I can’t say as I was not here. I can see the effects of the last several decades which were not positive. But we are in control of our circumstances. We are making a difference! We are the “powers that be”! Congratulations on finding and exerting your power. Keep up the great work Houners! It is time to “Dream big and getter done!”

In the very near future we will not see any signs even jokingly saying “Cal who?” All will know what we do and want to know how we did it. And I can’t wait for YOU to tell the story!

Are you ready for better? for what our kids deserve? for what you deserve?

Crystal Laughlin Mersh

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