Community Events News

2024 West Virginia Molasses Festival General Exhibit Rules

1. Exhibitors must bring their exhibits to the West Fork Park in Arnoldsburg, WV. All exhibits will be accepted on Tuesday from 11am to 7pm.

2. Judging will be done on the days of entry and will be closed to the public. All judging will be finalized by 10am Wednesday morning.

3. All exhibits must remain on display until 3:00 pm on Saturday. Quilts MUST be picked up by 2:00 pm onSunday. 

4. Articles previously exhibited and placed at a previous Molasses Festival may not be exhibited again.

5. First, Second and Third place ribbons will be awarded. Only blue ribbons will receive prize money

6. When there is no competition, a ribbon may be given (if worthy) with corresponding money paid. However, if in a class no exhibits are worthy, neither ribbon nor prize money will be awarded. THE DECISION OF THE JUDGE IS FINAL.

7. Special rules are listed within each department. Please refer to them for further details.

8. The West Fork Community Action Inc. And the Molasses Festival will not be responsible for accidents or loss of merchandise.

9. West Fork Community Action and volunteers maintain the right to refuse any entry not meeting class rules.


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