Guest Writers News

Creston News

Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular at the Burning Springs M. E. Church. Roger Goff is sick with the pneumonia fever. various diseases are active in the area including strep throat. Ellen Hedge is home and getting around with a back brace & a walker. Debbie Griffin got a good report from her medical team. Read More…

Crimes/Punishment News

Turner Arrested for DUI2nd and Driving Revoked

On Monday, February 5th, 2024, at approximately 7:00 p.m., Calhoun County dispatch was notified that Adam Michael Turner, was threatening to kill himself and harassing his mother at Orma, Calhoun County, WV. Trooper J.D. Richards was then notified of the information and subsequently notified Calhoun County Sheriff Graham Knight of a potential mental hygiene. On Read More…

News Sports

Youth Basketball Stats for week of February 11th

Submitted by Shannon Davis 2nd & 3rd Grade 2/11/24 Team Sampson 1 Team Heiney 32 Team Sampson Team Heiney Savannah Sampson Played but didn’t score Haygan Houchin 28 Eli Played but didn’t score Aerial Heiney Played but didn’t score Brenton 1 Evert Wright 2 Reese Dow Played but didn’t score Carly Osbone Played but didn’t Read More…


State Senator & Former Federal Prosecutor Urges Removal of President Biden from Ballot

Highlights Concerns on Border Insurrection and Cognitive Decline CHARLESTON, W.Va.- Former federal prosecutor, State Senator (7th), and candidate for West Virginia Attorney General Mike Stuart has called for a thorough review of President Joe Biden’s qualifications for candidacy for reelection on the West Virginia ballot. “Biden’s ongoing invasion and insurrection on the nation’s border and the Read More…

Community Events Government News

1982 Foundation Announces New Proposal for the City’s Lamppost Concerns

By Crystal Mersh As member of the 1982 Foundation Board of Directors I am making the following announcement in reference to the Solar Lamppost Project in Grantsville. The following proposal will be communicated to the Grantsville Mayor and members of the Town Council. This proposal should allay concerns about adding additional costs to the town Read More…

Business Government News

Three West Virginia Towns named as ON TRAC Communities

CHARLESTON, W.VA —West Virginia Main Street is pleased to announce three new communities have been selected as West Virginia ON TRAC Communities. Moundsville, Marshall County; Ravenswood, Jackson County; and Weston, Lewis County, have been designated as 2024 West Virginia ON TRAC Communities. Communities selected for ON TRAC will receive resources for economic growth through evaluation, Read More…

Community Events Government News Politics

Are We Really Out to “Get” the Powers that Be?

By Publisher Shari Johnson Since the Ridgeview News began in January 2022, the political climate has changed. It’s not a bragging point, (that’s not who I am) But it is the reality of the situation that when Ridgeview News began making Government Meetings accessible through video and reporting of just the facts, the citizens became Read More…