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February 2025 Divorces Finalized in Family Court

In Case 24-D-33, Allison Nicole Conrad, Petitioner, was divorced from Bradley William Randolph, Respondent, on February 5th,[…]

Creston News for Week of March 3rd

With the change in the weather, freezing & thawing there have been lots of down trees &[…]

Town of Grantsville Report Unmet Reporting Requirements

The Town of Grantsville, as with all water treatment companies, have mandatory reporting and monitoring requirements to[…]

GSU’S Dr. Lloyd Bone Names Finalist for 2024 WV Professor of the Y

GLENVILLE, WV – Dr. Lloyd Bone, Department Chair and Associate Professor of Music at Glenville State University[…]

Emma Laine Wilson Vaughn Obituary

Emma Laine Wilson Vaughn, 98, of Glenville, WV, went to her forever home in Glory on February[…]

Calvary Baptist Academy presented with Jennings Randolph Award for student-led voter registration

Hurricane, W.Va. (Putnam County) – WV Secretary of State Kris Warner visited Calvary Baptist Academy on Wednesday to[…]

Wednesday Evening Commission Meeting Highlights

The Calhoun County Commission met for their second February meeting on Wednesday, February 26th, 2025. Commissioners Craig[…]

Reward Offered by Richards Family

Mt. Zion Homeowners Mike and Kay Richards, whose garage received severe damage from a hit and run[…]

Congratulations to the Calhoun County Winners of the West Virginia Young Writers!

Calhoun County Schools are incredibly proud to announce the Calhoun County Winners of this year’s West Virginia[…]

Help the CMHS 8th Grade Fund their Trip to Washington DC

Calhoun 8th Grade Students will be hosting a bingo fundraiser on Saturday March 1 to raise funds[…]