Community News

Rico ReißMann’s Long Journey and Local Visit

Big Daddy Ds Hotdogs on 33/119 had a special guest on Thursday, August 1st. Rico ReißMann, of Germany has been walking since 2015, beginning his journey in Canada. In his daily blog on social media he said of his walk through West Virginia and Ohio:

West Virginia

Yesterday I arrived in the next US state. Gallipolis crossed the Ohio River for the third and final time, this time to Henderson, West Virginia. I would have liked to have taken a picture of the greeting sign again but it was not possible to think about yesterday. Way too much traffic on the four lane bridge, way too fast vehicles, too many large trucks and way too narrow side lane. I really got moldy on the bridge. With one arm I was still waving my warning vest, so that I could really perceive everyone somehow. Completely nervous but healthy I arrived on the other side of the bank.

I did not spend three days in Ohio. Therefore I can’t report much. But you can certainly only imagine the best. Here and there I got enough water or a cooling from the water hose. Spent the night before last across from a cop’s house. He had the grill on and later brought me a delicious cheeseburger and a bag full of snacks. I was really happy about that.

Today I also had one of the rare opportunities to do something good for a fellow traveler. Shortly before finishing work, someone pushed his BMX bike up the slope on the other side of the road. I called and asked if everything was ok and he said yes. Does he need water? He gladly accepted the offer and came over to me. He wanted to go to Ohio With the old BMX bike, he could hardly do a long distance and even so he was not very well equipped and looked – like I sometimes – a little wild and burned out. From a pizza I treated myself this afternoon, I gave him the three large remaining pieces. I think he was very happy about that.

New York City is less than 900 kilometers away and I’m well on schedule. Too good even. I have to force myself to just shut down a gear and slow down a bit.

Next provisional destination is Farmington, PA. There I will visit the Bruderhof community and old familiar faces from Australia will welcome me again. This visit means a lot to me, I have planned it firmly on my trip and even more I am looking forward to seeing you again.

Jacob McCumbers, owner of Big Daddy Ds Hotdogs spoke with Mr. ReißMann who said that he had met some friendly and not so friendly people along the way. He camps out along his trip and walks close to 25miles each day. He stops and camps at churches and parks. Please visit his Facebook page to check out his trip. He is hoping to make it to PA soon to visit with a friend that he met along the way then to NY before winter. If you see him along the way, stop and introduce yourself or hand him a bottle of water and a snack.
