Guest Writers News

Rev .Keith Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church.

Randy Tucker who recently had a stroke is not doing well at all.  Brother Rusty who lives in Kentucky is to come & see him.

Barbara Wright is recovering after knee repair and is to undergo therapy. Her brother is to spend a week with her whilst hunting the wily bucks.  Nurse Kathleen has been helping the patient.

Mike dePue, age 60, passed away in Taylors, South Carolina.  He had been a long time employee of Broughton Dairy.  He was the son of the late Benjamin “Buck” & Elouise dePue.

Creston area folks attended the FFA Beef Barbecue in Elizabeth on Sunday and on Saturday participated in Pioneer Days while others were involved in the Civil War reenactment beside the bridge Sunday in Elizabeth.

The Creston Halloween Party is scheduled for October 26 at the Community Building.  Workers, candy, etc are needed.  This is the occasion where one can “dress up and be somebody”.

“Stymie” Plummer & Joe Ferrell were attending to banking business in Elizabeth.

Those who remember the 1985 flood up in the mountain counties can relate to the devastation of the flood in Tennessee, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Florida & Mercer County, West Virginia.  In some places there was a 30 foot wall of water for which there was no warning.  It is estimated that the death toll might exceed 2,000 & the FEMA folks said, “tough luck, we’re out of funds” as over $1 billion went to help illegal aliens brought in to vote in the election.  FEMA turned folks bringing help away including one group from Wirt County.  David Axelrod, a national political fellow noted that the folks in Asheville were educated & sophisticated so they would figure out to vote for Kackles but the red necks elsewhere in the devastated region would not be able to vote for President Trump.  It was noted that the folks there read Scripture and own guns, use white corn meal to make corn bread & mush (pronounced mursh) just like their Cherokee neighbors [and cousins] so there would be “no reason” to help such folks.  Also, it was reported that there is a big proposed mine in the area and the federal government has already bulldozed sites, like Chimney Rock even burying those who drowned there.  This way the land could be bought cheap for the mine that is backed by Black Rock & Vanguard, companies that are part of the “deep state”.  Elon Musk shed some unwanted light on the nefarious dealings which is why folks like John Kerry have noted that the “pesky” First Amendment is a “stumbling block” for the ruling elite.  To add insult to injury Kackles announced that our government is to give $157 million to “help out in Lebanon” because of the Hezbollah terrorists’ activities.

Last year the W. Va. Dept. of Agriculture was able to save the apple growers that are being squeezed by a lack of tariffs to protect against dumping by Dictator Xi from China.  The MO is to flood the market and eliminate US growers & Manufacturers and then China can set the price or do whatever they want as donations & gifts went to the “ruling family”.  It is uncertain what will happed this time 

The $7.4 billion buyout of SWN (Southwestern) by Chesapeake is now complete and the new name is Expand.  The merger had to be approved by the ruling junta at an undisclosed cost/fee/donation/contribution.

The delinquent tax lists have been in the newspapers and they are huge showing the extent of the economic malaise that impacts both the area and the nation.  Folks need to check the lists to make sure their names or names of friends & relatives are not included.

Local folks attended the SOOGA (South East Ohio OIL & Gas) meeting in Marietta.  Winnie Sinnett is the head Pooh Bah but his wife was on the sick list that day.  It was learned that Eric Holder who was the Big Eared One’s “Wingman” and Atty. General sent $30 million to Ohio to pass a ballot amendment to change how delegate and congressional districts are made there.

West Virginia has a ballot initiative that should make it difficult to impossible to legalize “assisted” suicide in W. Va.  Seems the merchants of death are very busy these days. Kill the babies & kill or eliminate the infirm.  Bill Gates & his friends have noted that 8 billion on the planet is 7.5 billion too many.  Someone suggested that he show leadership by doing himself in “to save the planet”.

Nate Carper who formerly lived on the Munday road has been named Brigadier General of the New Mexico National Guard. 

Harold Stutler noted that Joe Biden & a rigged Justice Department “convicted” Donald Trump of a crime that didn’t have a name but it was all about the election. On Saturday there were 105,000 people at the Butler Pennsylvania rally including folks from Wood County.  Many see the lawfare for what it really is.

As a result of the gentle rains it is amazing how so many fields have turned green again.  Some fine second cutting hay has been rolled up into bales to feed hungry cattle this winter.

The Henry Hub price of natural gas rose to $2.85/MMBTU while, because of the Iran attacks on the Holy Land, the price of local Pennsylvania grade crude rose to $73.38/bbl. With condensate bringing $55.38/bbl. And Marcellus & Utica light selling for $62.38/bbl.


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