This summer, we were able to offer air rifles and archery at 4-H Camp, and the kids loved it! Shooting Sports are a great opportunity for youth to learn shooting skills and safety in a structured environment.
However, this is only possible with VOLUNTEERS interested in sharing their knowledge with the kids. We are looking for a few new 4-H volunteers who may be interested in getting certified in Air Rifle, Air Pistol, Shot Gun, Archery, Muzzleloader, or even Wildlife Management.
There is a TRAINING scheduled for NOVEMBER 5 – Message me for more info!!!
Email: calhouncountyextension@mail.wvu.edu Or phone 304-354-6332

NOTE: The county has two individuals certified – one in archery and one in air rifle. However, we do not own our own archery equipment. So, we will be exploring ways to get that equipment to make this program more available to youth, also!