Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church.
There were 235 riders at the Creston summer ATV poker run. Jaclyn van Hoose was first followed by Marie Allman & Lori Garrett. Marty Hennen won the 50/50. The community would like to thank all those that came & rode, those who fixed & served the food, set up & took down the route, worked the stations, did the signups, mailed the cards, sold the shirts, etc. Also, all those who donated door prizes, etc. The next ride is September 24.
The Creston area has had lots of rain and such made for lots of mud holes for the riders to check out. Spring Creek was too high to ford so, at the last minute, the route had to be modified. It was noted that there was no problem with dust.
Several folks are excited about the Wirt County Fair.
The Creston area had a scheduled power outage on Monday which caused several things to be delayed.
Spencer oilman Larry Stonestreet, age 76, passed away. He along with his father Bernard & uncle Vance were very active in the oil & gas business for many years.
Local farmers are reminded that the farm use valuation forms are due this month in the county assessor’s office. Since the state wants to do away with such there is no extension. Failure to file results in farmland being classified at its highest use valuation.
Dr. Fauci’s virus has been going through local families like a dose of [Epsom] salts with impact on all generations with some being very sick. Apparently the ruling elite are still banning ivermectin and the quinine derivatives. We all know now that the vaccines do not prevent spread & “approved” treatments do not work well.
A number of Wirt residents attended the State Republican summer meeting down at the Mouth of the Elk. State Senate president “Baldy” Blair got very defensive while defending Amendment Two (had been Amendment one) which does away with the 1932 Taxation Limitation Amendment that protects owner occupied homes and farms from the rapacious schemes from the legislature to enrich their donors at the expense of the taxpayers. Blair claimed that the 1932 amendment was why West Virginia had done so poorly for decades rather than addressing the real reasons for the state’s malaise. One is reminded of the Big Eared One who lamented the U. S. Constitution which protects citizens from governments that would usurp all citizen activity. Blair has a book, produced at taxpayer expense, that has lots of numbers, some of which might be doubtful at best. If the constitutional amendment passes, for certain, Calhoun County will lose all tax revenue from the new compressor situate near Brohard.
Samantha Powers, one of the ruling junta, said recently that the world wide lack of fertilizer is a good thing since “that will cut down on pollution”. Fertilizer [from whatever source] is needed for plant growth and plants consume CO2 which the green weenies claim to be a pollutant. The talk of food shortages in America continues to be an issue and world wide the talk of famine continues. If our rulers want less food then they must want famine to be one of the tools to cut down on the world’s population to satisfy folks like Bill Gates. Locally, that means that W. Va. farmland should be protected so that folks here can have food to eat. Some years back Al Gore Jr. said we should get all our food from third world countries. Of course he also said that the nations’ major coastal cities would now be under water. Someone is obviously working hard to make sure that the state’s abundant gas supply is not used in new fertilizer plants. Then one would not have worry about Putin or some other tinpot dictator. As a bonus, wealth would be generated in West Virginia. Any real leadership in the Legislature?
Broadway Joe who likes the limelight and lives on a yacht [just a house boat, don’t ya know] finally went along on the green new deal and kicked W. Va. coal in the gut just like Madame Hillary and others before him. Obviously, Biden’s handlers found the correct price.
The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude dropped to $92.89/bbl. with condensate fetching just $78.89/bbl. and Marcellus & Utica light bringing $83.89 & medium $92.89/bbl. Gasolene at Holberts in Brooksville is just $3.99.9/gallon.