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Rev. Kevin Gillespie did not fill his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church as his mother, who had not been at all well, passed away early Sunday morning.

The “out of this world” Creston Halloween party is scheduled for 5 P. M. on October 29.  Dress up and be someone and donate candy and help.

The state road has two road graders parked at Creston.  The other day roads on Ground Hog were being worked.  Elsewhere the spray crew has been busy trying to beat the frost to kill vegetation along the roadway . “Because of a lack of money” some counties don’t even have a mowing tractor but, for sure the state must buy lots of herbicide from their vendors; now that is important.  It was reported that Elvin Hixon, the Calhoun road boss is retiring.  It is understood that, come January the crew there will be down 13 men.  A blizzard would create then real problems for Calhoun residents but would not impact the areas down at the Mouth of the Elk where the important people live.

Jacques Frost was calling in the area Sunday morning.

Bridgett Willis, 36, of Walker was killed in a car wreck.  She was the daughter of Sabrina Butler Dooley and the late Keith Dooley.  Burial   was at the Beatty cemetery.

Darlene Shrader Dunn, age 67, of Mineral Wells passed away after an extended illness.  She was the daughter of Nancy Hall & Dexter (Deck) Shrader.  Burial at the Beatty cemetery.

One of the local relatives went down to Florida to stay with Nancy Wright who lost her home in the hurricane.  The insurance adjuster is to come this week to look.  It was noted that a little support from family goes a long way in getting through a very rough situation.

John & Debbie Griffin celebrated their anniversary with a meal at a posh Parkersburg eatery.

The W. Va. Supreme Court ruled that the Hope Scholarship was legal much to the chagrin of the teachers unions and their buddies in the W. Va. State Dept. of Education who obviously all work in cahoots to make sure that W. Va. youth are not educated to high standards.  The Wirt school system now has a form to be filled out by grade school students talking about sex and what goes on at home.  Perhaps it is one of those things “mandated” by the federal government to get the coveted [by the educrats] federal funds.  With the new court ruling folks of ordinary and less than ideal means can put their children in a school where they will have a chance to excel.  Sen. Patricia Rucker, who Baldy Blair obviously cannot stand, is to be thanked for her work to provide real educational opportunity to our state’s youth.

Some local folks motored to Harrisville the other evening to attend the meeting explaining Amendment 2 on the November ballot.  The proposal’s backers assured everyone that machinery and equipment owned by utilities was not included although a plain reading of the amendment does not have such an exclusion. “Oh, that’s elsewhere written in the code!”  Now, those fine fellers wouldn’t lie, now would they?  Trust us, pass it, and we’ll work something good out just like they did on the forced pooling oil & gas legislation.  To sum matters up we are being asked to give up our constitutional protection against high taxes for a promise from some slick talking legislators who answer to God knows who. When asked if the taxes lost to the big out of state corporations on the $billions in assets would be made up by raising taxes on homes & farms the answer was, why no, the 60% rate is set in stone — can’t go to 100%.  Seems not so long back such was threatened but we are not supposed to remember.  Some few decades back we were told that if we just had liquor by the drink our state’s economic woes would be cured as folks would come here as tourists to sit & drink and make us rich.  Maybe at the Greenbrier.  One of the proponents admitted that the radio ads were “bait & switch” as the car tax might not be taken off as the slicksters promised.

One local resident received a nasty letter from Stubtoe & Goosefoot setting forth, by chapter & verse, what would happen if the lease was not signed, NOW.  Another firm lowered the bonus money and royalty percentage even though world class oil & gas was being leased.  Toby Rice who runs EQT noted that W. Va. oil & gas is the BEST and has been declared the largest oil & gas field on the planet.  When asked when the company would be paying world class royalties [at least 25%] he just laughed for, although he didn’t say it, he owned a legislature and they made sure the citizens would continue to be robbed.

The fellow who sometimes does not know where he is noted in a big fundraiser sponsored by the Murdoch family said that there is a risk of nuclear war & the federal government has purchased $290 million in radiation sickness medicine.  Apparently, some while back the head man in Ukraine wanted to stop the war but the U. S. State Department told him “NO” as they call the shots.  Living in Creston would not be safe then.

One reads all the time about all the corruption in federal programs.  Here is an example of tax dollars wasted.  Michael James Peters who lives in North Carolina owned some coal in Nicholas County.  He went to a bank in Georgia who loaned him $9 million to mine the coal and make it  into “smokeless” briquettes for home heating.  The USDA [United States Department of Agriculture] guaranteed the loan.  Apparently Peters owed Aces High Coal Sales, Inc., a Kentucky outfit, $1.3 million and they mined 80,000 tons of the coal that was security for the taxpayer guaranteed loan.  Of course Peters then defaulted on the loan and we [the taxpayers] paid off the bank.  He might do time & be fined.

The furor over the safety of the Wuhan Kung Flu virus continues and in California if a doctor says something the governor can jerk his license.  Seems that 15% of young folks who took the shots now have new medical conditions and that the lipid nanoparticles have been found in breast milk with the rna ‘vaccine’ and that is scary stuff.  Also it has been learned that it lowers sperm count making some men infertile – not really a good thing with a declining birth rate.   There has been no study of the impact on ovaries and human eggs.  Of course, Bill Gates, who is involved in all this said that there were too many of us so an uptick in the death rate is fine by him and his buddies.

Eureka Resources, an outfit that processes waste water from Marcellus operations in Pennsylvania is now recovering lithium from the brines.  The firm estimated that  it could provide 25% on the national supply need.  Do you reckon that Smiley Carmichaels who is supposed to be our big economic development feller has ever heard about lithium?  It is now clear that building fertilizer plants to utilize the methane and solve the looming food crisis because of a lack of fertilizer is not a priority. Sen Tarr said that Nucor, the proposed new steel mill wanted to use “green” energy to run their facility.  A fellow who lives in Creston has some real nice ocean front lots for sale in the county & a couple in neighboring counties.

Reflecting the turbulent times in world oil markets & a proposed world war the price of local Pennsylvania grace crude rose to $91.64/bbl. with condensate, formerly called Appalachian light sweet, fetching $77.64/bbl. with Marcellus & Utica light bringing $82.64 & medium $91.64/bbl.  Henry Hub natural gas was $6.75/mmbtu.