Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church. From what one reads elsewhere the schism in the church continues with a group that seems determined to ignore Biblical teaching in favor of “modern thought” likely with the intent to destroy the church & Christianity. A fellow named Paul talked about such things.
The big Creston Halloween party is the “big” event on October 29. One prominent Elizabeth resident said he plans to attend. One wonders if anyone will recognize him – in the past he has “made an appearance”.
Nancy Wright, who lost her home in Florida to the hurricane, is coming back to Creston to stay with her local family.
The leaves have been turning and folks have been out driving around looking for the best maples, dogwoods and other colorful trees & shrubs. The weather was ideal for the Black Walnut Festival in Spencer.
On Saturday at the Creston Community Building there was a benefit & spaghetti meal to raise funds for funeral & burial expenses of Bridgett Willis who was killed in a car wreck. She was the daughter of Sabrina Butler Dooley & the late Keith Dooley. Over $4000 was raised.
John Miller who was badly injured in a motorcycle wreck will be staying with Jerry & Denise Bunner [when he isn’t back in the hospital]. A wheelchair ramp has been constructed. He had severe pains and it was learned that he had a previously not detected broken sternum, among other breaks & injuries. A whole hog is being raffled off to help with expenses, $5/ticket or 5 for $20. Stop by at Shade Tree to participate.
Wilma Mowrey & the comely Kim were visiting with family down in Virginia.
There seems to be a group of the invasive black buzzards based in Spencer and some of them were seen out on Ground Hog. One would hope that Deadeye Dick & Sure Shot Jones do their civic duty and “resolve” the problem. Then, it is the 3-S protocol, that is shoot, shovel & shut up.
Some local folks were consulting with their physicians.
Three Creston residents attended the Boley breakfast where Sen. Eric Tarr was the speaker. He gave a great report on the progress with the Hope Scholarship which allows folks of ordinary means and folks who have difficulty with inflation to send their children to a school where they can and will learn and be encouraged to excel in the skills one needs to survive & prosper in a competitive world. This program should force the sclerotic state education “deep State” to actually do what is supposed to be done, that is educate children although such will be fought, tooth & nail, no doubt since the ruling elites cannot tolerate an educated electorate.
Sen. Tarr also promoted Amendment #2 even though the figures he had in the book that the taxpayers prepared for him are obviously wrong. He claimed that the fractionation plants and compressor stations that take W. Va.’s natural gas off to other states & other nations will cause houses & businesses to be built – well of course but not here as the resources are being sent away & he wants to give a tax break to the $50 billion in facilities that send the gas away. Then W. Va. homes & farms can pick up the tab. He also said that W. Va. had to have forced pooling law so that the Marcellus drillers would drill here rather than other states. In New York they can drill but cannot hydraulicly frac the formations and in Ohio the Marcellus formation is of lesser quality. Northeast Pennsylvania has dry gas and southwest Pennsylvania has wet gas like West Virginia but Pennsylvania has had state government that has been hostile to oil & gas development & production. With all that in mind our legislators agreed that the state’s citizens would be fine getting less than 25% gross royalties and no accountability in the measurement of what is produced. He said those who are unhappy should go after the royalty organization and the W. Va. Farm Bureau. It is hard to believe that our legislators were so gullible as to believe that they had to sell us out to “make” the oil & gas tycoons drill the best Marcellus in the world.
Toby Rice, the head of EQT along with TC Energy, f/k/a TransCanada, f/k/a Columbia Gas Transmission, part of the Rockefeller family empire, and Williams Companies have formed a group to ship more gas out of the area to “reduce coal use” and “save the planet”. Now the coal folks are fighting back. One would hope that the resources produced here would be used here to make products, provide employment and generate wealth for the area. It would seem that the wizards down at the Mouth of the Elk are not at all interested in having an ethane cracker and having facilities to use natural gas to make urea and ammonia, fertilizers that are needed to prevent starvation and famine. Must be no quick bucks in such ventures.
Last year a record amount of natural gas was produced in America and one third was from the Marcellus & Utica, formations which underly almost all of West Virginia.
A local fellow who was never in the marines was advised that his claim for the contaminated water at Camp Lejuene had been approved. Along the same lines a woman who lives in another county used her plastic to pay for $6 in shipping charges. She then noticed that things were happening to her bank account & she went to the bank and they gave her a new card. Then she lost $thousands & the bank said it was all her fault.
More studies continue to come out about the problems with the vaccines that the government is pushing. From what one reads many now are declining taking the jab but Bill Gates & his buddies want the universal digital ID card so one cannot go anywhere or do anything without big brother knowing and like communist China’s social credit scores one must do all that one is told. Along with that there is the abolition of cash so all transactions must be with the plastic card and one will only be allotted what someone thinks one needs or deserves. The rich folks at Davos who are pushing one world government say that we will have nothing & be happy [or else]. Presently one had best buy guns and ammunition with cash as the folks associated with SIEU and other ‘liberal’ outfits required that all credit cards keep track with a special code all gun & ammo sales so folks can come and confiscate what one legally purchased.
The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude fell to $84.61/bbl. with condensate fetching $70.61/bbl. & Marcellus & Utica light bringing $75.61 & medium $84.61/bbl. The Henry Hub price of natural gas is $6.45/mmbtu.