Crimes/Punishment News

Starcher Held on $50,000 Bond following Arrest

Samantha Starcher, 31 years old, of Wallback, WV was arrested Thursday, November 3, 2022 and taken to WV Central Regional Jail where she is being held on $50,000 bond.

Starcher was charged following an incident which occurred during her arraignment for a Grand Larceny indictment . She had previously posted bail using a bail bondsman, but a bailpiece was issued shortly before her hearing. During her hearing she was advised that she would need to make arrangement for a new bond or she would have to be transported to the Central Regional Jail. When bond was not made she was transported to the West Virginia Central Regional Jail at which time she was searched, as is procedure for admission to the regional jail. At that time suboxone strips, aluminum foil balls with methamphetamine residue, and two straws were located on her person. Suboxone is a schedule III controlled substance according to Chapter 60A of the West Virginia code. Methamphetamine is a Schedule II controlled substance according to Chapter 60A of the West Virginia State code.