Art & Music Community Events Holiday Schools

Calhoun Middle High School Band, Choir and Theatre Entertain for the Holidays

The Calhoun Middle High School Concert Band and Music Programs held their annual Christmas Concert on Friday evening, December 16 and Saturday afternoon, December 17 in the CMHS Auditorium. It was well attended and a great example of the talent that continues to be home grown in Calhoun County, West Virginia.

Under the Direction of Michael McHenry the CMHS Band performed several traditional pieces as well as jazz, percussion and very non traditional (but enjoyed) boomwhackers. In addition to the band performances were several comedic skits, some of which were student written. Mr. Brennen, Elementary School Music teacher directed Middle School Choir performances as well as wrote, and performed with the Theatre classes. Several students stepped out in solo performances making it a wonderful event for Calhoun.
