
Ridgeview News Announces Advertising Rate Change

Ridgeview News began this publication journey 1 year ago this month. I have loved almost everything about it, except the math, but that math is a necessary evil in survival. When I established the advertising rates I did so without any idea of what anyone else was charging or what I should charge. I only knew that I needed to prove to my advertisers that it was advantageous to advertise in my publication. So I created rates that were very, very low and believed in this year of trial and error I would know what my rates should be.

According to those in the field of advertising, even my new rates are far lower than they should be for the number of views an advertiser receives on the Ridgeview News. Every day, on average our ads are viewed more than 3,000 times. I’m grateful for everyone who follows Ridgeview News and hope that 2023 will allow me to provide even more information for your families.

Below are the ad brochures I’ve recently created and will be dropping off to area businesses. If you like what Ridgeview News stands for, and you’d like to help keep us on the road and on the web, please consider advertising or contributing to us through donation. All are appreciated!

New Rates are in effect February 1, 2022.

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