Submitted by Brandy Brabham, WVU Roane Co. Extension Agent, 304-927-0975.
WVU Extension in Roane County along with the West Central Extension Master Gardener Association is offering a tree pruning training during their annual tree trimming work day at the Roane County Courthouse lawn on Thursday, March 9, 2023 from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Local Agriculture and Natural Resources WVU Extension Agent, Brandy Brabham serving in Roane County will provide a brief overview of pruning techniques, discuss tools, maintenance, timing, and sanitation, Brabham along with local Extension Master Gardeners will also provide hands-on pruning demonstrations. Participants are asked to pre-register by calling the WVU-Roane County Extension office at 304-927-0975 or email at by Monday, March 6. This workshop is free and open to the public regardless of county residency.
Workshop and demonstration will take place outdoors, so participants are urged to dress for the weather conditions. Participants are also encouraged to bring their hand tools to practice the learned techniques as well.
Proper pruning will improve the health, appearance, and productivity of your trees. Have you ever watched a professional prune a tree or shrub and wondered, “Why did he make that cut in that spot?, or Why did he switch the pruners from his right to left hand?, or When does he choose a pruning saw instead of loopers?, or How does he make these decisions so quickly?” Brabham will answer these questions and will cover numerous types pruning cuts. They will discuss pruning as part of the overall management and will field questions from participants. Key tips on the proper timing of pruning and how pruning can be used with other management techniques to fight disease will also be offered.
Local Extension Master Gardeners will also be available to offer tips on successful pruning. For more information or to pre-register, contact the WVU Extension Office in Roane County at 304-927-0975.