Calhoun Control dispatched Grantsville Volunteer Fire Department around 10:15 p.m. requesting a landing zone (LZ) be set up at the Wayne Underwood Field in Grantsville at the request of MedCom. Calhoun Control at the time was unaware of any issue that would require medical transport by helicopter or why the LZ would be established at the Wayne Underwood field and not the typical LZ site of Minnie Hamilton Health Care System. MedCom coordinates and dispatches emergency and non-emergency patient transports and monitors area hospital diversions.

The Grantsville Volunteer Fire Department arrived at the field as well as Sheriff Warren Basnett for the first landing. As Healthnet’s crew began to unload equipment it was discovered that the patient had been dropped off at Minnie Hamilton Health System’s Emergency Department by Calhoun EMS. Once a patient is dropped at a facility, protocol requires examination by their physicians. So once again Healthnet took flight in route to Minnie Hamilton Heath System to retrieve the patient from that site.

Two units from Grantsville Volunteer Fire Department covered both scenes for the emergency medical landings.