John Fisher had been placed on a “High Low” agreement through the Calhoun Circuit Court in 2022, allowing him to go through Drug Treatment Court for rehabilitation. Judge Anita Ashley said that Mr. Fisher had completed with flying colors and was now completely clean and sober. During this time of rehabilitation he also managed to get his drivers license reinstated which allowed him to work and provide for his family. This was determined as a problem for the court.
If Mr. Fisher complied with the High Low agreement, he would plead guilty to a lesser offense of “Driving Suspended,” which also carries a WV DMV penalty of an additional suspension of license, putting him back to square one with driving. Prosecuting Attorney Nigel Jeffries told the court that because of Fisher’s successful completion of the program and to help him continue on his journey the court would have no objection to him withdrawing his plea agreement. Judge Ashley dismissed the case telling Fisher that it was her “honor to dismiss it and she trusts that she’ll never see him in court, unless its to support someone else’s success.