Submitted by Patty Haught, Pageant Director

On Saturday, May 6th the Wood Festival held their annual Queen Flora Pageant. Emily Grace Anderson was crowned Queen Flora LXI. Emily is the 16 year old daughter of Shannon and Trudi Anderson of Big Bend. Maria Mae Collins was 1st runner up. Maria is the 17 year old daughter of Okey and Katherine Collins of Grantsville. Also winning titles that evening were Kendall Richards, Little Miss Wood Festival and Elynn Wyer, Jr. Miss Wood Festival. Kendall is the 6 year old daughter of Courtney Lewis and Dillon Richards of Grantsville. Elynn is the 9 year old daughter of Nathan and Stacey Wyer of Palestine. Also winning People’s choice for the evening was Emery Atkinson. Emery is the 6 year old daughter of Mariah Jones and Raymond Atkinson of Big Springs. Miss Photogenic winners were Dakota Mounts, Raelyn Arnold and Emily Anderson.
On Sunday May 7th the annual Miss Wood Festival Queen’s pageant was held. The Miss Queen will represent the festival at the annual WV Associations of Fairs and Festival Pageant held in Charleston in January. Autumn Crites was crowned Miss Wood Festival 2023. Autumn is the 18 year old daughter of Samantha Mowery and Johnny Crites of Baker, WV. She attends East Hardy High School. Audrey Johnson was crowned Miss Preteen Wood Festival. Audrey is the 10 year old daughter of Josh and Mandi Johnson of Grantsville. Peyten McKown was crowned Miss Teen Wood Festival. Peyten is the 14 year old daughter of Roman and Julie McKown of Reedy. Lauren Lovejoy was named the People’s Choice Winner and Miss Congeniality. Miss Photogenic winners were Chiara Brenneman, Josie Richards, and Cadence Ringer. We would like to thank all of the contestants, their parents, sponsors and those that helped make the pageants a big success.