Guest Writers News

Creston News: Is Anyone Paying Attention Down at the Mouth of the Elk?

Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church.

A number of Creston area residents attended & participated in the Wirt County Fair.  The mud Bog drew a huge crowd.  Some folks got to eat a slice of Richard Lowe’s peach pie.

The Creston area continues to have rain.  The folks in Canada & Europe where there are arson forest fires are likely praying for rain.

Nancy Wright who had been visiting the local family is now visiting sister Linda & husband in Columbus Ohio.  Linda has been fighting cancer and her husband has Parkinson’s disease.  They are moving to an assisted living facility.

The Ann’s Run road [CR 9] is getting badly wallowed out by the large loads of logs that are coming from a location on Ann’s Run.  Local folks hope that the company has the road repaired when they finish.

Both Dorothy Lynch & Barb Fluharty have spectacular patches of Black Eyed Susans.

Heavy equipment has been brought in on the old Jess Ashlely property to repair the “earth movement” near the TC Energy (Trans Canada) pipeline that takes natural gas to the Gulf of Mexico for export as LNG (liquified natural gas).  In June of this year a new record for volume was set.  The market is so hot that the ocean tankers now rent for $200,000/day.

In pipeline news it is now reported that EQT has resumed construction on their Mountain Valley Pipeline that was stopped by court action.  West Virginia can continue its role as an energy colony for other parts of the nation and the world.  It is obvious that the ruling elite down at the Mouth of the Elk do not want factories in the state that would use the natural resources to make finished products as such would assure a balanced economy and a population of well paid folks who might frown on the seedy folks who have ruled the state for decades.

Because of the price drop for natural gas the amount of severance tax collected in June was down 12% from June 2022 but the big shocker was the July number, down 93%.  Of course, the collections are “voluntary” since the ruling elites will not allow accurate measurements of actual production as is done elsewhere.  Corruption is not restricted to Ohio [electric company bribes] or the lower Potomac swamps with $$$ from Russia, Ukraine, China, Romania, etc.

Eureka Resources operates four waste water treatment facilities in Pennsylvania to treat brine from Marcellus wells.  In W. Va. the brine is injected into underground formations, on occasion destroying existing producing oil & gas wells at in Ritchie County not so long back.  Eureka now reports that they can recover 90% of the lithium in the brines and produce 97% pure lithium carbonate.  The firm notes that from their operations they can supply 25% of the nation’s supply needs.  Rare earth minerals can also be recovered from coal mine acid drainage.  Is anybody paying attention down at the Mouth of the Elk?

The Pleasants Power Plant has now been sold and we are told that it will use hydrogen to generate electric power.  One takes methane ( the main component in natural gas) and then makes hydrogen so there is no pollution.  By the way, a local fellow has “ocean front lots” for sale too.

Don Hursell, a/k/a The Medicine Man, was calling at the Creston Space Dock.

The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude rose to $81.82/bbl. with condensate fetching $63.82/bbl. while Marcellus & Utica light brought $72.82 and medium $81.82/bbl.  The Henry Hub price of natural gas
